Reviewer 1; notes and actions KL; 10Jul20 ============================= Notes from review: ------------------ 1. As suggested by review 2; need to compress and make more robust. JPar 2. PUSH back; detail is required for critical reading and to allow KL interested experts to validate our claims. 3. OK; we can answer some of these questions; some questions we can KL not answer. 4. OK; the answer is cost and efficiency. Need to make more clear CW the reasons wht we have chosen the Gabor lens and that the solenoid fall-back froms at a price. 5. Yes, this is a good point. We need to address it as it helps KL hone our message. Indeed, LhARA is a proof of principle for technologies that can be developed for the clinic. Need to update text and respond in cover letter. 6. Should we add comments in the motivation? JPar Also, justify from patients point of view. 7. Hmm -- OK, lets re-adjust this. KL 8. Address by making revisions required and arguing that the KL article is a consistent whole in the cover letter. 9. Repeat of 1. JPar 10. OK. TSD 11. Consider in revision. JPar 12. Consider in revision. JPar 13. Consider in revision. KL 14. OK, check and implement! TSD 15. Consider in revision. KL 16. Consider in revision. KL 17. Minor text revision. WS/JPa 18. Push back in cover letter. KL 19. Consider in revision. KL 20. Consider in revision. KL 21. Agreed. Small txt update. KL 22. Consider in revision. JPar/KL 23. Consider in revision. JPar/KL Notes from "comments": ---------------------- 1. As in 1. above; revise text. JPar 2. Respond in cover letter; some changes in txt will be referre to. KL 3. Actions noted in 11 above, add comment in cover letter. KL -------- -------- // -------- -------- Reviewer 2; notes and actions KL; 10Jul20 ============================= Notes from review: ------------------ 1. Need reference to timescales in response. JPar/KL Revise text/references. 2. As in Reviewer1, 1. Update text. JPar 3. As in Reviewer1, 1. Update text. JPar 4. Explain space-charge limit; short text JPa 5. Reference (perhaps text revision?) OE 6. Fix in caption WS 7. Agreed; revise sentence and provide reference. OE 8. Discuss: do we need a plot? Add reference at least. OE 9. Add sentence to explain. CW 10. Potential repetition; consider revision. OE/KL 11. Potential repetition; consider revision. OE/KL 12. Fix figure (bright colours); fix caption (description) WS 13. Answer question in cover letter. WS/JPar 14. It can; update text, address in cover letter. JPar/KL 15. Add sentence with requested information. JPa/JPar 16. Add comment in caption. HTL 17. Address in text? Also, push back in cover letter. GS/AP Notes from comments: -------------------- 1. Take issue with the characterisation that this is not KL science (!) in cover letter. 2. Push back on reproducibility in cover letter. WS/JPa/KL Push back on Q6; Would like to point Gabor lens and acceleration --> unique. -------- -------- // -------- -------- Calorimeters at NPL for dose; Tony Price.