= BioPhysicsX meeting; 16Jun23; 08:00 = == Summary of actions == == Notes == 1. //[wiki:BioPhysicsX/Meetings/2023/2023-06-08 Notes and actions]: // All \\ Actions: - **IMcN:** Seek CSC seminar on LhARA intiative - **KL:** Seek Amato on slides - Now underway - **KL:** Post set of presentations on wiki for reference and pilferring - Done - **KL:** Solicit or find slides from Yolanda - Done, but, still need to get input perhaps. KL will be speaking to YP later today. Need to agree if we need more input. - **CJ, KL, PP:** Liaise to produce initial slide deck by 14Jun23 - Done. - **IMcN:** If there is a Div. of Cancer rep attending White City on 23Jun, make contact with - Superseded. - **KL:** Seek meeting to brief Sandrine Heutz for KL and IMcN - Stands. Note added, email sent 20Jun23. - **KL:** (Added) Ask Sophie for slide template, if there is one - Done. 2. //Slides and support for IMcN 10 min presentation to CRUK on 26Jun23: // CJ, All \\ Good discussion of slides and messages. Slides now in IMcN hands. Agreed to provide in addition: - "Sexy" ending slide drafts (KL) - 2-pager with pictures (KL, in CJ's absence, to be updated on her return) 3. //BioPhysicsX two-pager: // CJ, All \\ [raw-attachment:2023-05-02-BioPhysicsX-d1.docx Present draft] \\ 4. //CIO submission: // KL, All \\ Good progress with PP and S.Quinlan yesterday. Need personal data from AM. KL will move to complete a full draft submission. 5. //Actions and next steps: // All 7. //DONM// - TBD. KL to as SK. 8. //AoB// - None. ----