= Conference contributions 2022 = * Sep22: [https://biomedeng.org/biomedeng22/ BioMedEng22 Conference], 8-9 September 2022, London, UK * M. Maxouti et al.: "Development of an ion-acoustic dose-deposition mapping system for LhARA"; * [raw-attachment:LhARA_IonAcoustic_Abstract_BioMedEng22.pdf Abstract] * [raw-attachment:.pdf Poster] * T.S. Dascalu on behalf of the LhARA collaboration: "The Laser-hybrid Accelerator for Radiobiological Applications (LhARA)"; * [raw-attachment:BioMedEng22_LhARA_Abstract.pdf​ Abstract] * [raw-attachment:.pdf Poster/Slides] * Jul22: [https://www.ichep2022.it International Conference High Energy Physics XLII ] (ICHEP22), 06-13 July 2022, Bologna, Italy * K.R. Long on behalf of the LhARA collaboration: "LhARA; the Laser hybrid Accelerator for Radiobiological Applications"; * [raw-attachment:ICHEP22_LhARA_poster_Abstract.pdf Abstract] * [raw-attachment:ICHEP22_LhARA_poster.pdf Poster] * Jun22: [https://www.ipac22.org/ 13th International Particle Accelerator Conference] (IPAC22), 12-17 June 2022, Bangkok, Thailand * T.S. Dascalu on behalf of the LhARA collaboration: "Development of a Plasma (Gabor) Lens for LhARA"; * [raw-attachment:IPAC22_Abstract_Capture.pdf Abstract] * W. Shields on behalf of the LhARA collaboration: "Progress on the Conceptual Design of the Laser-hybrid Accelerator for Radiobiological Applications (LhARA)"; * [raw-attachment:IPAC22_LhARA-WShields.pdf​ Abstract] * Apr22: [https://april.aps.org/ APS April Meeting 2022 "Quarks to Cosmos (Q2C)"], 9-12 April 2022, New York * N.P. Dover, T.S. Dascalu on behalf of the LhARA collaboration: "The Laser-hybrid Accelerator for Radiobiological Applications (LhARA)"; * [raw-attachment:APS_April22_Abstract.pdf​ Abstract] * [raw-attachment:09_04_2022_APS_April_Meeting_TSD.pdf Slides] * [raw-attachment:E07_00008_Dascalu_APS.mp4 Recording] * Apr22: [http://heppapp2022.iopconfs.org/ IOP HEPP & APP Annual Conference 2022], 3-6 April 2022, Oxfordshire, UK * T.S. Dascalu: "Investigation of plasma (Gabor) lenses for capture and focusing of laser-driven ions"; * [raw-attachment:IoP_HEPPAPP_Conference_22_Abstract_Dascalu.pdf​ Abstract] * [raw-attachment:2022_04_06_IoP_HEPP_TSD.pdf Slides] * Jan22: [https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/uk-ion-therapy-research-facility-webinar-tickets-227678200627?aff=ebdssbonlinesearch "UK Ion Therapy Research Facility Webinar"], 13 January 2022 * K. Long on behalf of the LhARA collaboration: "The Laser-hybrid Accelerator for Radiobiological Applications (LhARA)"; * [raw-attachment:2022-01-13-LHARA-LONG.pptx Slides] ----