= Conference contributions 2022 = * Jun22: [https://www.ipac22.org/ 13th International Particle Accelerator Conference] (IPAC22), 12nd-17th June 2022, Bangkok, Thailand * Authors... on behalf of the LhARA consortium: "Development of a Plasma (Gabor) Lens for LhARA"; * [raw-attachment: Abstract] * [raw-attachment: Poster] * Apr22: [https://april.aps.org/ APS April Meeting 2022 "Quarks to Cosmos (Q2C)"], 9-12 April 2022, New York * N.P. Dover, T.S. Dascalu on behalf of the LhARA consortium: "The Laser-hybrid Accelerator for Radiobiological Applications (LhARA)"; * [raw-attachment:APS_April22_Abstract.pdf​ Abstract] * [raw-attachment:pres.pdf Presentation]