= CCAP Plenary Meeting = 7^th^ August 2019; 14:00—17:30 \\ Room 711c, Huxley Building, 180 Queen's Gate, Kensington, London SW7 2AZ Phone information: https://ccap.hep.ph.ic.ac.uk/trac/raw-attachment/wiki/Communication/Z0-Phone-details.pdf == Agenda == '''The agenda is being developed. If you wish to make a presentation, please contact Ken Long (K.Long@imperial.ac.uk) or Ajit Kurup (a.kurup@imperial.ac.uk).''' || Time || Title || Speaker || || 14:00 || Welcome and introduction || Ken Long (ICL) || || 14:20 || || Jason Parsons (Liverpool) || || 14:40 || || Jaroslaw Pasternak (ICL) || || 15:00 || Discussion on preparations for the CDR || || || 15:20 || Coffee || || || 15:40 || || Alex Howard (ICL) || || 16:00 || || Ajit Kurup (ICL) || || 16:20 || || Hin Tung Lau (ICL) || || 16:40 || Discussion on computing || || || 17:00 || Conclusions || ||