= CCAP Plenary Meeting 5= 11^th^ December 2019; 14:00—18:00 \\ Room 711c, Huxley Building, 180 Queen's Gate, Kensington, London SW7 2AZ === Meeting details === Videoconference using the Vidyo system. Connection details: \\ Please join the VIDYO meeting by clicking this link: https://vidyoportal.cern.ch/join/SPJlsfAOEV {{{ #!div style="font-size: 80%" If you want to join by phone, please use one of the phone numbers listed in the link below: \\ http://information-technology.web.cern.ch/services/fe/howto/users-join-vidyo-meeting-phone The PIN for the phone connection is: 1079548 }}} == Agenda == The agenda is being developed. If you wish to make a presentation, please contact Ken Long (K.Long@imperial.ac.uk) or Ajit Kurup (a.kurup@imperial.ac.uk). || Time || Title || Speaker || || 14:00 || [raw-attachment:01-2019-12-11-Long.pptx Welcome and introduction] || K. Long (ICL)|| || 14:15 || [raw-attachment:2019-12-11-Kurup-preCDR.pptx​ Preparations for the LhARA pre-CDR] || A. Kurup (ICL)|| || 14:45 || Status report for the Laser driven proton and ion source work package || O. Ettlinger (ICL)|| || 15:00 || Status report for the Proton and ion capture work package || J. Pozimski (ICL) and C. Whyte (Strathclyde)|| || 15:15 || [raw-attachment:Status_of_LhARA_11122019.pdf Status report for the Stage 1 and Stage 2 beam transport work packages] || J. Pasternak (ICL) and W. Shields (RHUL)|| || 15:30 |||| '''Coffee break''' || || 15:50 || [raw-attachment:Aymar_LhARA_STFC_Update_20191211.pptx Status report for the Infrastructure and integration work package] || J. Thomason (RAL) and G. Aymar (RAL)|| || 16:05 || [raw-attachment:2019-12-11-Kurup-Simulations.pptx​ Status report for the end-to-end simulation work package] || A. Kurup (ICL)|| || 16:20 || [raw-attachment:20191210_CCAP_PHYSICS.pdf​ Review of activities at Charing Cross Hospital] || R. Mclauchlan (CXH)|| || 16:35 || [raw-attachment:PowerPointAlixLouis.pptx Analysis of CT images] || A. Moawad and L. Jaugey (ICL/EPFL)|| || 16:50 || [raw-attachment:AH_CCAP_Dec2019.pdf Progress with solid state detectors] || A. Howard (ICL)|| || 17:05 || [raw-attachment:HTL_Plenary_111219.pdf Status of the SmartPhantom development] || HT Lau (ICL)|| || 17:20 || [raw-attachment:"CCAP Plenary Meeting Dec 2019 Parsons.pptx" Status of the biological end stations] || J. Parsons (Liverpool)|| || 17:50 || Closing Discussions || All||