7 | | 1. //Introduction, notes and actions//: KL/All |
8 | | * **KL:** (Re)initiate contact with O.Ettlinger, G.Hicks to find support for starting SMILEI source simulations |
9 | | * **Done.** |
10 | | * **TSD:** Attempt some tutorial examples from VSIM |
11 | | * **Done.** |
12 | | * **JPo:** Provide TSD with the geometry of the present prototype Gabor lens |
13 | | * **Stands.** |
14 | | * **KL/RB**: Take a look at the Bingham et al paper on laser-driven accelerator for medicine |
15 | | * **Stands.** |
16 | | * **RB:** Introduce Titus to D. Spears and find the ISIS person to contact about access to VSim |
17 | | * **Stands.** |
18 | | |
19 | | 2. //Review of calculation of instability//: **RB** \\ |
20 | | No report this week. Need to revisit. |
21 | | |
22 | | 3. //Updates on the particle generation//: **HT** \\ |
23 | | Just beginning to set up the SMILEI simulation. Waiting for info from George Hicks to get going on simulation. |
24 | | |
25 | | Some issues to do with setting up an "ephemeral drive" so that jobs can be compiled locally and then submitted remotely. |
26 | | |
27 | | 4. //Updates on the simulation of Gabor lens//: **TSD** \\ |
28 | | Now has access to SCARF, but not to the group that is allowed to run VSIM. So, still stalled re running examples. |
29 | | |
30 | | Is now trying to generate VSIM using ascii interface. Has now defined geometry based on CW drawing from last week. Needs advice now from David Spears. |
31 | | |
32 | | Need to get permission to run on SCARF from relevant person from RAL. John Carry at TechX needs to be contacted to understand about buying a license. **CW** will make contact with David Spears. **TSD** will understand machine requirements. **RB** will find the relevant contact in ISIS. |
33 | | |
34 | | 5. //Discussion of next steps//: **All** \\ |
35 | | Need to get access to the relevant codes for particle production and VSIM. |
36 | | |
37 | | AK asked whether SMILEI could also be used to study the plasm instabilities. **AK** will circulate documentation so that experts on plasma instability can judge whether SMILEI can be used instead of (or as well as) VSIM. |