= ITRF/LhARA Planning Meeting !#2 == ** 17Feb22; 09:00 ** == Material == * Notes from 16Feb22 meeting: [wiki:Research/DesignStudy/ITRF/Meetings/2022/2022-02-16 here] * [raw-attachment:22_02_17_CWhyte.pptm Outline LhARA WP definition] ---- == Question/action list == * Governance structure diagram (Hywel/Ken) * Who is responsible for CDR production? * Contents of CDR - shall we agree them now? Division of ITRF/LhARA? * LhARA WP2 shows protons in 5 years and ions after that - how should we manage that? * LhARA vertical beamline - will effort be available? How to leverage other expertise * LhARA layout - vertical or horizontal beamline orientation? * ITRF/LhARA parameters - agree boundaries between WPs and boundaries between conventional and plasma options * Deliverables list * Review process for design * External user meetings - resourcing for this? How do we engage the wider community? ITRF <> LhARA user meeting * Roadmap for future funding * Documentation, locations and numbering ---- == Agenda ([wiki:Research/DesignStudy/ITRF/Meetings/2022/2022-02-16 16Feb22], reproduced) == 1. Summary of project dates and bid requirements 2. Documentation 3. Status of proposal/planning in LhARA proposal 4. Profiling of budget – division between academic and STFC work 5. Work packages discussion 6. Roadmap to working infrastructure 7. Detailing the costing 8. AOB ----