Changes between Version 8 and Version 9 of Research/DesignStudy/Meetings/2018-08-21-ERC

Aug 28, 2018, 11:53:12 AM (6 years ago)



  • Research/DesignStudy/Meetings/2018-08-21-ERC

    v8 v9  
    25251. Summary of actions and timescales
    26261. AoB
     28Present: SG, OE, AK, JPa, RT, LM, KL, JPo,
     301. Introduction: **//KL//**
     31 * KL expressed regret that it had not been possible to find a scope that satisfied the ERC Adv Grant constraints.  Recognising the hard work that had gone into the development of the design so far, this was a disappointment.  However, it seemed that there was a concensus that the devision was reasonable.
     321. Updates on development of systems: **//All//**
     33 * LM: Working towards simultion of end-station to estimated dose to cells.  Cell layer is between 14-30 microns thick. BDSim is not yet interfaced to most accurate low-energy simulation of particle-tissue interactions.  Will use the presently-interfaced codes for now.  Vacuum window thickness will be provided by JPo:  Assume 1cm2 apperture, so window thickness should be a few 10s of microns of some nitride material. 
     341. Effect of space charge: **//JPo//**
     35 * Simulation of beam transport from interaction region of laser to 3-4 m from source.  Runs were made with 0 space charge and then 5*10^9, 5*10^10 and 5*10^10 particles per shot.  100 fs duration, width of the angular distribution as in the file from OE.  Assumed flat top distribution.
     36 * Co-propagating charges, so, no space-charge effect at source.  Now think that as soon asbeam is larger than 1mm, there is no significant space-charge effect.  Blow up of beam at source so fast that space charge looks like it is not an issue d/s of the target.
     371. Compactifying the lattice: **//JPa//**
     38 * See slides.
     391. AoB:
     40 * JPa: has made an initial study of the next acceleration stage.  A spiral FFA ... injection at 8.6, acceleration to 75 MeV (protons).  Requires 10 magnets; 3.1M radius.  Resonator requires swing between 1MHz and 10MHz. A double spiral scheme has been adopted to accomodate ISIS u/g design.  ISIS will consider ferite, rather than MA, cavity.  Need to make case with them in RF meeting in beginning of September 2018.
     41 * We agreed we need to consider ion acceleration and agree to focus on: proton, He, Li, carbon, and oxygen