= LARA CDR Meeting 30^th^ October 2018 = == Meeting details == 14:00 Room 532 Phone details: {{{ UK: 08082 380274 Austria: 0800 006612 PIN: 5904750902 }}} Full list of telephone contacts may be found [raw-attachment:Z0-Phone-details.pdf here]. == Agenda: == 1. __Introduction and status of preparation of 'reference' proposal: **//KL//**__ * Goals for the meeting: * Discuss and agree parameter table to allow revision of design of in-vitro facility; * Discuss and agree skeleton for the LARA CDR document. 1. __Parameter table for discussion: Provocation: **//KL//**; discussion **//All//**__ 1. __LARA CDR skeleton: Provocation: **//KL//**; discussion **//All//**__ 1. __Next steps: **//All//**__ 1. __AoB__ == Notes: == '''Present:'''