
Version 3 (modified by longkr, 6 years ago) ( diff )


LARA CDR Meeting 4th December 2018

Meeting details

14:00 Room 532

Phone details:

UK: 08082 380274
Austria: 0800 006612 

PIN: 5904750902

Full list of telephone contacts may be found here.


  1. Introduction: KL
  2. Notes of previous meeting and actions: All
  3. Parameter table for discussion: Gabor Lens: JPo;
  4. LARA CDR skeleton: update: All
  5. Items for presentation by AK at JAI fest: AK
  6. Next steps: All
  7. AoB


Present: OE, JPo, CH, KL, AK

Apologies: SG, HT, JPa

  1. Introduction: KL
    • This meeting, seek to review status of:
      • LARA CDR;
      • Gabor lens;
    • Noted that the EPSRC was expected to put out a Physics of Life call for proposals at the interface between phsyics and the life sciences. The SmartPhantom had been prepared in anticipation of this call. It was expected that the call would be published before Christmas.
  2. Notes of previous meeting and actions: All
    • Notes were accepted.
  3. Parameter table for discussion: Gabor Lens: JPo;
    • Work on Gabor lens has displaced preparation of the updated parameter table. JPo agreed to make the update this PM.
    • The Gabor lens is now ee-assembled in 023. Electrical connection to an existing 3-phase socket is now required before pump-down.
    • Agreed that there was a benefit in securng the turbo available ex-MICE at RAL. Agreed to find owner of backing pump presently in 537.
    • Agreed that Chris H will make a first attempt at a Gabor-lens schedule.
    • We discussed the measurement programme for the lens:
      • Establish plasma by visual inspection. Expect to see some sharp features in the plasma.
      • Recharacterise residual-gas ions that are expelled by the lens using the medusa.
      • Perform a voltage/current scan to characterise the basic discharge properties of the lens. May need to consider a more accurate current measurement than that provided by the metre on the power supply.
  4. LARA CDR skeleton: update: All
    • KL has contributed an abstract. In discussion it was noted that the post-accelerator should not be presented as an upgrade. KL will revise (done).
    • We reminded ourselfs of the desire to have sections drafted before Christmas in preparation for a strong push on the document in the New Year.
    • We noted that AK had to write up his talk at the G4 users conference.
  5. Items for presentation by AK at JAI fest: AK
    • Presentation will be based on talk at G4 users conference. Seek to add detail on the ongoing experimental work. Photos of Gabor lens will be presented. Conceivable that vacuum status may be goodby Friday. detector. Current/voltage characteristics will also be measured.
    • Also AK hopes to present updated information on the laser source. OE will provide some info.
    • Also try to add JPa's new design to the slides. Depends on JPa's status with this.
  6. Next steps: All
    • Outlined above.
  7. AoB
    • We will do our meeting on 11DEec18, then break for Christmas.

Summary of actions

  • CH: Prepare strawman Gabor lens schedule.
  • AK: Prepare strawman SciWire schedule.
  • KL: Prepare strawman CDR schedule.
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