= LARA CDR Meeting 8^th^ January 2019 = == Meeting details == 14:00 Room 532 Phone details: {{{ UK: 08082 380274 Austria: 0800 006612 PIN: 5904750902 }}} Full list of telephone contacts may be found [raw-attachment:Z0-Phone-details.pdf here]. == Agenda: == 1. __Introduction: **//KL//**__ * [[raw-attachment:CCAP-LARA-MajorActivity.pdf|Major activity form]] that has to be returned asap. 1. __Notes on last meeting and actions arising: **//All//**__ * **AK:** Prepare strawman SciWire schedule. * **KL, CH:** Send spreadsheet version of schedules for CDR preparation and Gabor Lens to AK. 1. __Progress; comparison to schedule: **//AK//**__ 1. __Progress to simulation of space charge: **//JPo et al.//** 1. __Parameter table update for Gabor Lens and transport: **//KL//**__ 1. __Gabor lens recommissioning update: **//CH//**__ 1. __LARA CDR skeleton: update: **//All//**__ 1. __Next steps: **//All//**__ 1. __AoB__ == Notes: == '''Present:''' '''Apologies:''' === Summary of actions ===