Changes between Version 10 and Version 11 of Research/DesignStudy/Meetings/2019-05-28-LhARA

May 28, 2019, 5:46:22 PM (5 years ago)



  • Research/DesignStudy/Meetings/2019-05-28-LhARA

    v10 v11  
    3232== Notes: ==
    34 '''Present:'''
     34'''Present:''' OE, AK, KL, JPa, CH
    38381. __Introduction: **//KL//**__
     39 * The outline proposal to the EPSRC Transformative Healthcare Technologies for 2050 was submitted.  A Doodle for a meeting next week to begin work on the preparation of the full proposal has been created.  Meeting date/time will be finalised soon.
     40 * This meeting is targeted at reviewing the status of conference presentations on LhARA and discussing a proposal to STFC against the present "2019 Opportunities" call.
    39411. __Notes on last meeting and actions arising: **//All//**__
    4042 * Last meeting 30Apr19.  Few attendees.  No notes posted.
    41431. __Conference contributions 2019:__
    42  * IPAC: CH, JPa,
    43  * GSI: KL
    44  * PTCOG: AK
     44 * [wiki:Communication/Conferences/2019/05-19-IPAC  IPAC: CH, JPa]
     45  * Believed to have been reasonably well received.  Other laser-driven proposals (China and Eli) were also presented.  FLASH therapy using electron beams were discussed as well as some cyclotron-based proton/ion machines.
     46  * **JPa** will upload poster and paper to the CCAP wiki.
     47 * [wiki:Communication/Conferences/2019/05-20-GSI-FAIR GSI: KL]
     48  * Similar reception to the IPAC poster.  Presentation was in a session where two other laser-driven beam-lines for radiobiology were described.  Capture, transport, and focusing of the other proposals were performed using quadrupoles.  Our capture efficiency therefore greater on paper.  Alternatives have benefit that they are producing beam.
     49  * Focus of meeting was the launch of the Biophysics Collaboration.  De facto we've become members.  Goal is to organise to help raise resources.  We should be able to contribute with the detector/instrumentation and beam-line technologies.  Two spokespeople were appointed: Vincenzo Pattera and Yolanda Prezado.
     50 * [wiki:Communication/Conferences/2019/06-10-PTCOG PTCOG: AK]
     51  * Draft poster circulated.  Comments welcomed, but soon, as the deadline approaches.
    45521. __STFC opportunity call: **//All//**__
    4653 * [ Call page on STFC WWW site].
    4754 * [wiki:Research/DesignStudy/Proposals/2019/STFC-2019-Opportunities/ CCAP proposal preparation page]
     55 * We agreed to prepare a proposal for submission against this call.  The new Biophysics collaboration and our ambition to position the UK to be leading played in this area will form the context.  We agreed to focus on the development of LhARA within this context.
    48561. __AoB__
     57 * //KL//: With the progress made in the design of LhARA that is presented in the various conference proceedings, it is time to pick up work on the CDR.  This will be a subject for the summer.
     58 * //JPa//: has been working on the GPT files for the space-charge simulation.  Issue that is being addressed is the spacing between the target and the first Gabor lens.  We discussed the validity of the input distributions.  **OE** agreed to validate the input files and the extrapolations that JPa is doing.  JPo's input is needed to refine the target/Gabor-lens spacing. 
     59 * //AK//: Has begun simulation of the beam-line using GPT.  Some issues related to the beam divergence at source.  Work continues.
     60 * //JPa//: Requests check on extrapolation from 8MeV to 15MeV for protons and a discussion of starting assumptions for carbon beams.
    5062=== Summary of actions ===
    53 === Notes from IPAC19 ===
     64== Notes from IPAC19 ==
    5465''by Christopher Hunt''
    7990There were no mentions of high-current proton cyclotrons that I could find
    81 I found one poster discussing a flash-dose electron cyclotron,
    83 Found rapid-cycling synchrotron design with reasonable footprint (20mx10m) producing 250MeV beam. Due to the size of laser systems, this is probably the same footprint as a laser-target facility.
    85 Couple of 200+MeV proton cyclotrons in the works, but these are low-current machines