Changes between Version 8 and Version 9 of Research/DesignStudy/Meetings/2019-06-05-LhARA

Jun 5, 2019, 2:49:48 PM (5 years ago)



  • Research/DesignStudy/Meetings/2019-06-05-LhARA

    v8 v9  
    39391. Date of next meeting
    40401. AoB
     44== Notes: ==
     46**//Wednesday meeting//:**
     48**Present:** AK, OE, DC, WL, KL, JPo \\
     49**Phone:** CH, SB, JPar
     51Notes of the two meetings (Wednesday and Friday) will be combined.
     531. [wiki:Research/DesignStudy/Proposals/2019/EPSRC-Transformative-Healthcare-Technologies-2050 EPSRC proposal] status and timeline: KL
     54 * [raw-attachment:2019-06-05.pdf Summary] slide prepared to guide the discussion.
     55 * We noted the need to respect departmental guidelines to complete
     56   proposal ahead of the final deadline so that it can be reviewed by
     57   experienced wise men.
     581. Brief discussion of related proposal to [wiki:Research/DesignStudy/Proposals/2019/STFC-2019-Opportunities/ STFC Opportunities 2019 call]: KL / All
     59 * The goal of this proposal will be to secure resources to prepare an
     60   initial CDR for LhARA, to refurbish an existing beam-line at
     61   Clatterbridge to serve radiobiology experiments and serve as a LhARA
     62   test bed, and to place the UK at the heart of the new 'international
     63   Radiobiology Collaboration' that was recently formed at a meeting at
     64   GSI.  The refurbished beam-line with have proton FLASH capability so
     65   will be well aligned with the principal thrusts of the LhARA facility.
     66 * The budget will be taylored to support 6-months post-doc effort at
     67   Imperial and Liverpool, £20k--£30k for the beam-line refurbishment,
     68   and netorking resources for the UK and international collaboration
     69   building.
     701. Layout and footprint: All
     71 * Two documents that may aid the discussion here:
     72  * [wiki:Communication/Conferences/2019/05-19-IPAC/ Paper submitted to IPAC19]
     73  * Old document describing the layout:
     74 * Draughtsperson effort and access to infrastructure providers has been secured at RAL.
     75   We noted the imperative to feed appropriate input to the engineer.  We agreed that:
     76  * OE will proved footprint of laser source;
     77  * JPa will provide layout, supported by JPo and AK;
     78  * JPar will provide layout for end-station.
     79 * Starting point for draughting will be the 2016 document.
     801. Towards a project plan: discussion by work package:
     81 * End-to-end simulation and performance: DC / All
     82  * DC outlined the content of the wp which would incude accelerator
     83    simulation, development of 'G4DNA' applications, consideration of
     84    treatment-planning enhancements, etc.  SB emphasised the expertise
     85    on, e.g., BDSIM at RHUL and their intention to develop into G4DNA.
     86    WL noted the successful collaboration with Maxeler on the
     87    acceleration of relevant treatment-planning codes.
     88 * Laser-driven particle source: OE, ZN / All
     89  * (OE) principal issue will be the decision to buy a full system
     90    versus building one from stratch.  Issues of cost, risk, and
     91    effort.
     92  * OE will liaise with ZN.
     93 * Ion-beam capture and initial focus: JPo / All
     94  * Status of the prototype lens at Imperial is that the lens is now
     95    operational, but, the alphas from the americium source do not make
     96    it to the scintillator.  This is being investigated.
     97  * For the proposal, it will be assumed that the focusing has been
     98    observed using the present prototpype.  The work plan will
     99    therefore be second prototype manufacture, commissioning and
     100    characterisation and then manufacture.
     101 * Beam transport and delivery: JPa / All
     102  * JPa was not at the phone call, so this item was postponed to
     103    Friday.
     104 * Biological end-station: J.Parsons / All
     105  * Specification of the in-vitro end-station was routine as it can be
     106    based on existing facilities in use by the Liverpool group.  The
     107    issue is one of budget; i.e. depending on the level of resource it
     108    the degree of specialised equipment beyond the basic requirements
     109    can be judged.
     110  * We agreed to adopt an 'excellent specification' until we get to
     111    the point where one has to trim budget requests to fit within an
     112    envolope.
     113  * We also agreed that the deployment of equipment at test facilities
     114    to make measurements and to proove the equipment would be a
     115    critical part of the programme of this workpackage.
     116 * System integration, diagnostics, dosimetry, and controls: AK / All
     117  * This workpacge is required to deliver the LhARA system.  There is
     118    potential overlap with WP1, particularly were processing as part
     119    of the feedback and control system is concerned.  AK will liase
     120    with DC.
     121 * Co-creation of impact: RMc / All
     122  * RMcl was not available for this call.  CH noted that the translation
     123    to clinical availability was a principal goal for this WP.
     1241. Developing the full proposal:
     125 * Text
     126 * Schedule
     127 * (Re)costing
     128 * These items were postponed to a future meeting.
     1291. Date of next meeting
     130 * We greed to meet in around a fortnight.  KL to Doodle to find a date/time.
     1311. AoB