= STFC Opportunities 2019: LhARA pre-CDR, CCC beam line, and IBC discussion kick-off meeting = ** [[span(style=color: #FF0000, Tuesday 8^th^ October 2019, 10:30 BST )]] ** == Meeting details == Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus, Blackett Laboratory: Room 532 Phone details: {{{ UK: 08082 380274 Austria: 0800 006612 PIN: 5904750902 }}} Full list of telephone contacts may be found [https://ccap.hep.ph.ic.ac.uk/trac/raw-attachment/wiki/Communication/Z0-Phone-details.pdf here]. == Agenda: == 1. [raw-attachment:01-2019-10-08-Long.pptx Welcome and introduction]: __K. Long__ \\ // Scope of STFC Opportunities 2019 award; overview of timeline. // 2. Research beam line at the Clatterbridge Cancer Centre: __J. Parsons__ \\ 3. Engagement with the International Biophysics Collaboration; initial discussion: __All__ \\ 4. Discussion of preparation of 'pre-CDR' for LhARA \\ 4.1 Laser source: __TBD for O. Ettlinger__ \\ 4.2 Gabor Lens and ion capture: __J. Pozimski__ \\ 4.3 [raw-attachment:2019-10-08-Kurup.pdf​ In-vitro beam line conceptual design status]: __J. Pasternak, A. Kurup__ \\ 4.4 [raw-attachment:44-0n-JPa-LhARA_FFA_08102019.pptx FFA post-accelerator design concept]: __ KL for J. Pasternak__ \\ 4.5 //In-vitro// and //in-vivo// end stations design concepts: __J. Parsons__ \\ 4.6 Outline of layout to identify infrastructure requirements: __J. Pozimski__ \\ 4.7 [rew-attachment:LhARA-CDR.pdf Skeleton 'pre-CDR' and discussion of time line]: __K. Long__ \\ 4.8 Discussion of how to proceed with the pre-CDR: __All__ 5. Next steps discussion: __All__ 6. Date of next meeting 7. AoB ----