
Version 2 (modified by kurup, 4 years ago) ( diff )


LhARA pre-CDR Meeting 3rd March 2020

Meeting details

14:00 Room 532, Blackett Lab.

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  • Action items from last meeting.
    • KL to circulate terms of reference for the review.
  • System updates.
    • Laser driven proton and ion source.
    • Proton and ion capture.
    • Stage 1 beam transport: Beam transport and delivery to the in vitro end station.
    • Stage 2 beam transport: Post-acceleration and beam delivery to the in vivo end station.
    • Biological end stations.
    • Infrastructure and Integration.
    • Project plan for the delivery of LhARA.
    • Safety.
    • End-to-end simulation.
    • Instrumentation.
  • R&D plan and schedule.
  • Writing the pre-CDR.
  • A.O.B.


Participants: JPar, CW, AK, HTL, WS, TD,KL, JMat Apologies: JPas

  • Action items
    • Done
  • Laser
    • AK met OE
      • OE believes the target R&D would take 6 months.
      • KL: doesn't believe this is realistic.
      • Other areas should be included in the R&D programme such as simulation.
  • Capture - CW
    • Discussions with Bob Bingham.
    • 5 years R&D probably not enough.
    • AK: plan has 2 years to give an answer whether the lens will work or not.
      • CW: Probably won't be able to find solution to correct for instabilities in this time frame.
    • AK: Can move decision point to before the Stage 1 TDR.
    • CW circulated first draft of pre-CDR section.
  • Beam transport - WS
    • Meeting on Friday to discuss two options. See slides on simulation page.
  • Beam transport - HTL
    • Updated overleaf will post-accel section and transfer line.
    • Simulations of the end station and text to go in the pre-CDR
    • For the end station look at mono-energetic beam, 15 MeV +/- 2% and the 12MeV +/- 2%.
    • For high energy in vitro look at 127MeV look at range in a water phantom.
    • Details on the transfer line to go in the pre-CDR.
  • End stations
    • Just updated the draft of the pre-CDR.
    • Will speak with Karen on Thursday.
    • Pushing on with work at Birmingham on their FLASH capabilities. Beam time allocated in April for FLASH experiments.
    • Oxford have FLASH electrons and would be good to collaborate with them.
    • Visited Rutherford Cancer Centre (sites in Reading and Newport). Plan to do experiments in the next month (not FLASH). Machines not rated to do FLASH dose rates.
  • Instrumentation. - JM
    • First draft added to Overleaf.
    • AK and JMat to meet on Thursday.
  • AOB
    • KL: Letter to STFC sent re our plans for LhARA.

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