= LhARA Weekly Meeting 14th April 2020 = == Meeting details == 14:00 Room 532, Blackett Lab. Zoom details: https://cern.zoom.us/j/260486755?pwd=WHFMWTcwcWJTczlJY1FVbkduTyszUT09 '''Meeting ID: 260 486 755 Password: 520713''' Phone one-tap: United Kingdom: +442034815237!,,260486755# or +442039663809!,,260486755# Join by Telephone For higher quality, dial a number based on your current location. United Kingdom: +44 203 481 5237\\ +44 203 966 3809\\ +44 131 460 1196\\ +44 203 051 2874 0800 031 5717 Join from an H.323/SIP room system H.323: (US West) (US East) (China) (India) (EMEA) (Australia) (Hong Kong) (Brazil) (Canada) (Japan) International numbers https://ukri.zoom.us/u/ap9aBI2Eh SIP: 260486755@zoomcrc.com \\ Skype for Business (Lync) https://ukri.zoom.us/skype/260486755 \\ Skype on a SurfaceHub SIP: 260486755@lync.zoom.us https://ukri.zoom.us/skype/260486755 == Agenda == * Pre-CDR. * Status of writing up the publication. * A.O.B. * Comments on pre-publication review of the pre-CDR. == Notes == Participants: AK, KL, JH, JPar, WS, HTL, OE, TD, JM.\\ Apologies: GA. * Pre-CDR -KL * Finalising exec summary. Would like comments. * Had a meeting with Kelly Gleeson re the lay summary for the pre-CDR and for the publication. * See https://ccap.hep.ph.ic.ac.uk/trac/wiki/Research/DesignStudy/PreCDR/LaySummary * Deadline for the lay summary soon. * End of the week for final comments. * Reviewer's comments. * Review document now final. * Will prepare a response to thank them and address specific comments. * Tuesday deadline for response. * KL need to think about instrumentation in the end stations. * Status * KL - Journal has moved deadline back a month. * Stick to original schedule. * Intro - KL * Motivation -JPar * Will work on this tomorrow. * Overview AK to do. * Capture. * AK to read. * Low E beam transport * WS difficult to condense * AK to discuss with WS. * Post-accel - JPas * Will try to do this for Thursday. * Instrumentation - JM * Made first draft and circulated to AK and KL. * Bit longer so can squeeze a bit. * End station - JH * Made first draft will add to Overleaf. * Infrastructure * GA can't make meeting but said will do this on Thursday. * Performance - HTL * Copy and pasted from pre-CDR. * Need to understand how dose rate measurements are made. * JPar: ionisation chamber or Grafchromic film. * Can run the simulation for a given ionisation chamber. * KL: Do this for the pre-CDR. Need to see details first before including in the publication. * JPar to ask Andrzej for ionisation chamber details. * AK: should talk to Giuseppe Schettino since NPL provide calibration services. * Conclusions - KL * Will add something now and can edit at the end.