
Version 4 (modified by kurup, 4 years ago) ( diff )


LhARA Weekly Meeting 5th May 2020

Meeting details

14:00 Room 532, Blackett Lab.

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Meeting ID: 981 6136 1260 Password: See meeting invite email

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Meeting ID: 981 6136 1260 Password: See meeting invite email


  • Capture section.
  • Simulations.
    • Stage 1.
    • Plasma.
    • Space charge.
  • A.O.B.
    • Status of the publication.
    • Future meetings.


Participants: A Kurup, K Long, J Hughes, T Descalu, J Parsons, G Hicks, HT Lau, O Ettlinger, R McLauchlan, W Shields, C Whyte, J Matheson, C Hardiman.
Apologies: J Pasternak, G Schettino.

  • Capture
    • TD: Looking to simulate the electron cloud in the Gabor lens and look at plasma instabilities. Issue with getting access to the VSIM code on the SCARF cluster.
    • KL: do you run VSIM at Strathclyde? CW: Yes.
    • CW:
      • Now having weekly meetings.
      • Document on dimensions of initial design.
      • Bob will run some simulations to investigate diocotron instability.
      • Will try to look at how an e-beam can be used to fill the lens.
  • Simulation
    • Stage 1
      • TD: replacing solenoid in the BDSIM simulation with Gabor lens fields.
        • Implemented transfer matrix and an idealised electric field map in BDSIM.
        • Issue with difference between ideal electric field map and the transfer matrix.
          • AK: Could this be due to the integrator?
          • WS: the matrix integrator will always be used for an r-matrix element.
      • HTL
        • Want to look at improving the input beam used in tracking simulations., i.e. look at using Smilei.
    • Laser-target simulations.
      • OE: Previous 2D distribution came from a simulation of TNSA using a thin foil using EPOCH.
      • OE: Resolution of a 3D simulation will be poor, 2D will be better resolved.
      • Discussion on generating 2D versus 3D.
      • GH: Documentation in the group to get Smilei up and running. Smilei can output at a different resolution than the simulation which EPOCH can't.
      • AK, OE, GH, HTL and TD to continue discussing details of how to proceed after this meeting.
    • Space charge
      • AK: would be good to investigate GPT algorithms (verify performance) and look at other algorithms/codes.
      • HTL: Would like to do this, depends if there's time.
      • KL: Is there still a plan to implement space charge in BDSIM?
        • WS: Yes but not immediately.
  • AOB
    • Publication: deadline for comments is Monday and then will be finalised.
    • Future meetings.
      • AK: Need to think about other activities that can be progressed given the lockdown situation.
      • KL: Radiobiology?
        • JPar: Clatterbridge is still in lockdown. Maybe could get back in June.
          • Can keep everyone updated on ongoing analysis of previous experiments.
          • Discussion on how to coordinate this.
        • JPar to email regarding fixing the best time for regular meetings on radiobiology.

Action items

  • AK, OE, GH, HTL and TD to continue discussing details of how to proceed with the laser-target simulations.
  • JPar to email regarding fixing the best time for regular meetings on radiobiology.
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