Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of Research/DesignStudy/Meetings/2020/2020-05-19

May 25, 2020, 3:45:56 PM (4 years ago)



  • Research/DesignStudy/Meetings/2020/2020-05-19

    v3 v4  
    11= LhARA Weekly Meeting 19th May 2020; 14:00 BST =
     3== Notes ==
     5** Present: ** CW, WGJ, KL, JPar, JPa, OE, GA, HTL, JH, JS, MD, RM, TSD, WS
     7 1. [wiki:Research/DesignStudy/Meetings/2020/2020-05-12 Notes of prevision meeting] and actions:
     8 * **JPar**: to email regarding fixing the best time for regular meetings on radiobiology.
     9  * **Done.** Result of Doodle pool looks like putting meeting late next week.  This will be the first of a series of meetings. 
     10 * **AK**: to install SRIM on the group's server.
     11  * **Done.**
     132. Status of publication:
     14 - Revision of FFA parameters: **JPa**
     15   - JPa presented his slides on a revision of the parameters of the FFA.
     16 - Update on dose calculation: **HTL**
     17  * HLT consulted G.Schettino who has endorsed the analysis method.  In detail, the present method does not account for secondary electrons produced in the windows.  GS belives this to be a small effect, smaller than teh inherent uncertainty we have from the source and details of the transpoet.  Some simulations of the effect of the window were done by HT.  With 1mm thick graphite window, a 3% change in teh result was observed.  With a 3mm window, a 13% difference was observed.  Given that the winder is thing compated to 1mm, we agreed that the impact of the windows could be ignored at the present level of precision.
     18  * The change in the results from the previous iteration had been because, for carbon, HTL had incorrectly calculated the beam energy to be input to BDSIM.  Descrepancy between the energy generated and that accounted for in teh simulaation is at the level 0.1% level.  We accepted the analysis.
     19 - Status of draft: **KL**
     20   - Almost ready to be circulated once more for comments.   Updates need to be made for JPa's revision of the FFA parameters and the results of the revised dose-rate calculations need to be included.
     223. Updates:
     23 - Capture section: **CW**
     24  * Consideration of the diochrotron instablility continues.  R.Bingham has made some calcualtions of the rate of onset of this instability.  It will be important to avoid it.
     25  * TSD is leading VSIM to be used in the simulation of the electron plasma. 
     26  * TSD also working on transport smulations in BDSIM for beam envelope calculations.  The envelope has been passed to CW.
     27  * Options for active filling of teh Gabor lens are being investigated.
     28 - Simulation:
     29  - Particle production at laser target: **HTL**
     30   * HLT has understood the SMILEI i/p syntax and is now working towards a first trial simulation.
     31   * OE offers to help wioth the simuilations and agrees that G.Hicks may be able to offer help in the checking.
     32  - Transport through Gabor lenses: **TSD**
     33   * Can now use BDSIM to simulate Gabor lenses as plasma lenses.  Principle of energy collimation demonstrated.  Details need now to be sorted out.
     34  - Any other simulation
     364. Preparation for CCAP plenary: 24Jun20
     37 * Advanced warning of the CCAP plenary given; volunteers for presentations solicited.
     395. AOB
     40 - JPa: need to draft the reply to referees.
     41  * **KL**: to draft skeleton, all to contribute.
     42 - Reply to Yolanda Prezado's request;
     43  * **JPa** to draft
     46=== Summary of actions: ===
     47* **KL**: Create draft response to referees.
     48* **JPa** Draft reply to Y.Prezado's request.
    352== Connection details ==