= LhARA Weekly Meeting 19th May 2020; 14:00 BST = == Connection details == Join ZOOM meeting: **https://cern.zoom.us/j/98161361260?pwd=K1BseEF6ckNyc1RRWld4ODhiUDVsUT09** == Agenda == 1. Notes and actions: * **JPar**: to email regarding fixing the best time for regular meetings on radiobiology. * **AK**: to install SRIM on the group's server. * **Done.** 2. Status of publication: - Revision of FFA parameters: **JPa** - Update on dose calculation: **HTL** - Status of draft: **KL** 3. Updates: - Capture section: **CW** - Simulation: - Particle production at laser target: **HTL** - Transport through Gabor lenses: **TSD** - Any other simulation 4. Preparation for CCAP plenary: 24Jun20 5. AOB ----