Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of Research/DesignStudy/Meetings/2020/2020-07-21

Jul 22, 2020, 9:03:12 AM (4 years ago)



  • Research/DesignStudy/Meetings/2020/2020-07-21

    v4 v5  
    11= LhARA Weekly Meeting 21^st^ July 2020; 14:00 BST =
    3 == Connection details ==
     3== Summary of actions ==
     4 * **KL**: Create draft response to referees.
     5 * **KL**: Create ICHEP talk rehearsal slot for week of 27Jul20
     7**Present:** JPar, KL, AK, TSD, AP, AG, HTL, TG, WS, PA, CW, OE, JPa, RB, JM
    5 Join Zoom Meeting: ****
     9== Notes ==
     111. [wiki:Research/DesignStudy/Meetings/2020/2020-07-14 Notes of previous meetings] and actions:
     12 * **KL**: Create draft response to referees.
     13  * **Stands.**
     14 * **KL/WS**: to exchange emails with AK re "restart" of experiment and simulation meetings.
     15  * **Done.** Will do same as before, ~30 mins, will do it on Tuesday PM.  Do it just before LhARA meeting.  Use same ZOOM booking.
     16 * **KL**: Organise LhARA logo competition.
     17  * **Done.**
     192. Status of pre-CDR publication: **KL/All** \\
     20 Referees' comments have been received: see the top of the [wiki:Research/DesignStudy/PreCDR/Publication pre-CDR publication wiki page]. \\
     21 [raw-attachment:2020-07-21-Response.pdf​ Skeleton of response document]. \\
     22 We reviewed the referees comments and discussed our responses.  We agreed that a draft response and revised paper would be circulated this Friday.
     243. Preparation of response to referees: **KL, ALL**
     25 * Next week.
     274. Updates:
     28 - Capture section: **CW**
     29  - Working towards ERC proposal.  In particular, trying to get a consistent project plan.  TSD and HTL continue to make good progress and will provide updates below.
     30 - Simulation:
     31  - Particle production at laser target: **HTL**
     32   - HTL is checking the convergence, now focusing on the dependence of the spectrum on the cell size.  He has initial particle distributions which he is now starting to analyse.  A long, high-resolution run is "in the computer" and will be analysed when it is complete (Thursday).
     33   - TG: notes that he has seen a [ paper] in which two beams at 90^o^ to each other, each at 45^o^ to the foil are used to increase particle production.  RB commented that there are studies TNSA can be enhanced by sending a second pulse and exploiting its ponderomotive force to enhance production.  OE notes that such schemes could be used for LhARA, but had specified simplest.
     34  - Gabor lens simulation: **TSD**
     35   - TSD has looked into simulation for first simulation of the lens.  Dynamics of electrons in lens is being considered.  At the present he has not been able to create a discharge and is investigating why a discharge is not initiated.  The execution speed is also being investigated. Also worrying about speed.  At the last meeting a discussion was initiated about the relative priorities of the various simulations in the light of the ERC proposal deadline.
     36 - Any other simulation
     37  - No further update.  OPAL installation underway on IC cluster underway.  Some issues being addressed with S.Fayer.
     395. Status of preparation of Expression of Interest for the [ EPSRC Transformative Healthcare Technologies call]: **KL, ALL** \\
     40 //Need for: //
     41  * New "institute collage" for talks and publicity: **TSD** \\
     42   [raw-attachment:Slide_v3.pdf Updated institute slide released after the meeting.]  All are asked to comment.
     43  * LhARA logo competition: \\
     44   Temporary [wiki:Research/DesignStudy/LhARA-logo-competition page on wiki] to collate entries has been made.  KL is keeping the mapping of "entry Id" to designer.
     466. Conference contributions: **All**
     47 * ICHEP -- Parallel session contributing; see
     48  - [raw-attachment:2020-07-29-LONG-ICHEP-LhARA-d1.pptx Draft slides] \\
     49   We agreed that **all** would send comments on the slides and that **KL** would book a rehearsal slot for next week.
     517. AOB
     52 * None.
    754== Agenda ==