Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of Research/DesignStudy/Meetings/2020/2020-09-01

Sep 1, 2020, 2:41:12 PM (4 years ago)



  • Research/DesignStudy/Meetings/2020/2020-09-01

    v3 v4  
    11= LhARA Weekly Meeting 1^st^ September 2020; 14:00 BST =
    3 == Connection details ==
     3== Notes ==
    5 Please join zoom meeting: ****
     51. [wiki:Research/DesignStudy/Meetings/2020/2020-08-25 Notes of previous meetings] and actions
     6 - Notes not posted before the meeting; comments next week if there are comments.
     7 - ERC ADV grant application was submitted.  If successful aspects of the laser-Gabor-lens capture system can be developed.
     92. Status of pre-CDR publication: **KL/All** \\
     10 Accepted version of publication linked to the [wiki:Research/DesignStudy/PreCDR/Publication pre-CDR publication page]. \\
     11 The idea of a news item to be issued alongside the publication was discussed TSD had made a start.  There is a little time as we are now waiting for the proofs from the Journal.
     133. Updates: **All**
     14 * WS: Opal is now installed on a virtual machine in the Imperial computing clusted.  Needs to be tested by someone other than will.  WS will email Chris Rogers to see if he can caludate the set up.  It is WS' intention to tidy some of the Python code in the repository.
     15 * HTL: HT has written a script that extends the 2D distributions generated with SMILEI into 3D.  This is to pass the particles into the beam-line simlation.  Needs now to test it and to discuss with others to see if it is doing a reasonable job.
     174. [ EPSRC Transformative Healthcare Technologies call]: **KL, ALL** \\
     18 - We discussed the sign-up to the 10Sep20 information event being organised by EPSRC.  A couple of people had made attempts to sign up without success.  **KL** agreed to contact EPSRC to ask for an update on the arrangements (**done**).  \\
     19 - Instrumentation/diagnostics meeting progress: **TP** \\
     20  TP summarised the sratus of preparations.  Presently the 17Sep20 date is more popular than the 15Sep.  People are encouraged to fill the Doodle.  The list of people to reach out to was discussed.  It was agreed that M.Merchant (Manchester) and K.Prise (Belfast) would be invited explicitly by TP and JPar respectively.
     225. DoNM:
     23 * 08Sep20; 14:00 BST
     256. AOB \\
     26 None.
    731== Agenda ==