= LhARA Weekly Meeting 15^th^ September 2020; 14:00 BST = == Connection details == Zoom connection: **https://cern.zoom.us/j/98161361260?pwd=K1BseEF6ckNyc1RRWld4ODhiUDVsUT09** == Agenda == 1. [wiki:Research/DesignStudy/Meetings/2020/2020-09-01 Notes of previous meetings] and actions \\ Status of actions: * **WS**: Check whether C. Rogers has validated the OPAL set up on the Imperial cluster. 2. Status of pre-CDR publication: **KL/All** \\ Abstract of the accepted publication posted on [https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphy.2020.567738/abstract Frontiers] WWW site. \\ Issue noted that in the affiliations JAI/Oxf and JAI/RHUL authors are wrongly linked to JAI/Imperial. An email exchange with the journal has taken place. The error, which was the journal's, will be corrected at proof stage. 3. Updates: **All** 4. [https://epsrc.ukri.org/funding/calls/second-call-for-transformative-healthcare-technologies-pre-announcement-and-engagement-event/ EPSRC Transformative Healthcare Technologies call]: **KL, ALL** \\ - Some observations on the first ELSRC briefing event: **KL** - Note: KL will prepare some slides and look for a volunteer to present them. - Status of preparation of instrumentation meeting: **RMcl/TP** - [wiki:Research/DesignStudy/LhARA-logo-competition Logo competition entries]. 5. DoNM: * 22Sep20; 14:00 BST 6. AOB ----