Changes between Version 5 and Version 6 of Research/DesignStudy/Meetings/2020/2020-09-29

Sep 30, 2020, 1:49:17 PM (4 years ago)



  • Research/DesignStudy/Meetings/2020/2020-09-29

    v5 v6  
    11= LhARA Weekly Meeting 29^th^ September 2020; 14:00 BST =
    3 == Connection details ==
     3== Notes ==
    5 Zoom connection: ****
     51. [wiki:Research/DesignStudy/Meetings/2020/2020-09-22 Notes of previous meetings] and actions  \\
     6 Status of actions:
     7  - None recorded.
     92. Status of pre-CDR publication: **KL/All** \\
     10 - Paper published.  An important milestone passed.
     123. Updates: **All**
     13 - None volunteered.
     14 - CW: Capture w/g will meet with M.King (Strathclyde) this Thursday.  WK is working with P.McKenna et al.  Group has excellence in the theory of the laser-production of ions.  Goal is to engage in discussion of validity of the simulations of the particle production and capture simulations that are being carried out by HTL and TSD.
     15 - OE not on the capture mailing list; KL to add OE to the mailing list (done).
     174. [ EPSRC Transformative Healthcare Technologies call]: **KL, ALL** \\
     18 - [raw-attachment:THT-notes.pdf Rolling notes]
     19  - We noted that the LhARA initiative also addresses the "Future affordable and inclusive healthcare solutions" goal.  Out initiatice aims to improving on existing facilities and should be more affordable because overall cost per patient will be reduced if throughput through high dose rate and automation is achieved.  Also, the reduction on complications will reduce overall medical intervention needs.
     20 - See input from P.Weightman on EPSRC process and emphasis; particularly as regards anonymity.
     21 - Preparation of THT bid:
     22  - Present status of skeleton and planning: **KL**
     23   - Skeleton: [raw-attachment:2020-09-28-LhARA-THT-skel-d0.3.docx here]
     24  - Discussion: **All**
     25   - TKW volunteered to help draft time-line one pager; StG volunteered to help draft elevator-pitch one pager.  Each have projection on proposal axis.
     26 - Logo competition: [wiki:Research/DesignStudy/LhARA-logo-competition entries] and next steps: **KL/All**.
     27  - All were reminded of the 05Oct20 deadline.
     285. DoNM:
     29 * 06Oct20; 14:00 BST
     316. AOB
    733== Agenda ==