Changes between Version 8 and Version 9 of Research/DesignStudy/Meetings/2020/2020-11-17

Nov 17, 2020, 4:12:23 PM (4 years ago)



  • Research/DesignStudy/Meetings/2020/2020-11-17

    v8 v9  
    11= LhARA Weekly Meeting 17^th^ November 2020; 14:00 GMT =
     3== Notes ==
     51. **[wiki:Research/DesignStudy/Meetings/2020/2020-11-03 Notes of previous meetings] and actions **  \\
     6 - Status of actions:
     7  - None recorded.
     92. **Updates:**
     10 - // Any update: All //
     11  - WS: Continued development of OPAL.  Status is that beam now makes a full circuit of FFA.  Interface to BDSIM now being developed.
     12  - CW: Reported progress from the capture meetings: continued working on the transition of SMILEI 2D simulation into 3D.  Understanding of IC lens is now at an advanced stage and preparation of paper is moving forward.  Need now to push on development of a design revision.
     143. **Next steps discussion: All** \\
     15 Time line for EPSRC THT proposal:
     16 - // Date of Outline Proposal review panel meeting//: week commencing 23Nov20.  \\
     17 - // Deadline for Full proposals//: 16:00 10Feb21. \\
     19 // __ Development of radiobiology programme and articulation of LhARA USPs: __ **J. Parsons, A. Giacca** //
     20  - JPa: now beginning to contact people to form a working group to define objectives for (radio)biology programme and USPs for LhARA.  About to make contact with key people in various centres to get first w/g meeting.  Meeting will then be widely advertise, goal is to be encompassing.
     21   - Timescale for meeting January 2021.
     22  - PP: Emphasised the key that LhARA initiative is creating new science opportunities with broad impact.  Meeting needs to address this breadth of scientific engagement.
     24 // __ Preparation by w/p identified in our THT proposal: __ \\
     25  1 // Outline Conceptual Design Report for the PoP biological-assessment facility: **R. McLauchlan, T. Price** // \\
     26   - We noted the close connection with the (r)bio groups work.
     27  2 // Proton- and ion-acoustic imaging: **J. Bamber, P. Beard ** // \\
     28   - Postponed to next time.
     29  3 // Evaluation of the benefits of the initiative & optimisation of the R&D programme: ** S. Green, P. Price**  // \\
     30   - Key need to make the case that the R&D programme needed to deliver LhARA can deliver clinical benefit in advance of the full facility being available. 
     31   - A key part of the research programme needs to be RT in conjunction with, e.g., immunotherapy.
     32   - Case must address the competition of advanced photon-beam radiotherapy
     34 // __ Development of next steps in LhARA accelerator R&D programme: __ **C. Whyte, J. Pasternak** //
     364. ** Summary/outreach documents: **
     37 * [raw-attachment:2020-11-16-LhARA-mission.pdf Mission statement]: **S. Green, A. Giacca, F.Jamieson, K.Long**
     38  - Comments solicited; SG agreed to take role of editor.  Please send comments to him.
     39 * [raw-attachment:2020-11-16:LhARA-timeline.pdf Timeline: today to clinical system]: **K.Long, T.Kolkalova-Wheldon**
     40  - KL needs to make outline available to TKW to develop a zeroth version for comment.
     41 * PPI Strategy: **H.Hall, G.Jones**
     42  - GJ: important to be clear of purpose of development of strategy.
     43  - We discussed the next steps and agreed that the document prepared by HH and GJ be tidied and "published" on the WWW as the LhARA PPI strategy.  Future development of the initiative would be taken forward alongside clinician engagement as part of the development of a stakeholder plan.
     44 * Industrial strategy: **F.Jamieson, S.Towe**
     45  - Needs to be drafted.
     46 * Stakeholder plan: **P.Price, S.Green, K. Long**
     47  - We agreed to develop an inclusive stakeholder plan.  PP, SG confirmed as leads.  KL will support.
     49Christmas ..
     515. ** DoNM **:
     52 * 24Nov20; 14:00 GMT
     546. **AOB**
     55 * Done.
    359== Agenda ==