Changes between Version 6 and Version 7 of Research/DesignStudy/Meetings/2021/2021-05-25

May 25, 2021, 3:05:06 PM (3 years ago)



  • Research/DesignStudy/Meetings/2021/2021-05-25

    v6 v7  
    11= LhARA fortnightly Meeting 25^th^ may 2021; 14:00 BST =
    3 **ZOOM link:**
    5 == Agenda ==
     3== Notes ==
    751. **[wiki:Research/DesignStudy/Meetings/2021/2021-04-27 Notes of previous meetings] and actions **  \\
    1192. ** News and preparation of LhARA half day: 10Jun21; morning: All** \\
    1210 [raw-attachment:01-2021-05-25-LONG.pptx Slides]
     11 * JPar is leading a funded research programme to develop the Brm cyclotron to deliver beams for biological studies, with a particular focus on high LET beams.  Concept is to design and implement a vertical beam line served from the Brm cyclotron.  The end station implacement at the end of the line would be an excellent prototype/testing ground for LhARA developments.  Developments could also be deployed, potentially, at Christie and elsewhere.
    14133. ** Status and progress in key LhARA development themes: ** \\
    1514 1 // __ Radiobiology programme and articulation of LhARA USPs:__// J. Parsons, A. Giacca \\
     15  * Slides from Karen Kirkby were presented that showed the Christie/Manchester end-station robot, now commissioned, in operation.  KK also showed the new FLASH capability with a spot-scanning demonstration.  Clear opportunities for advancement of radiology in Brm (later) and Christie (now).  Need to discuss how to go forward with LhARA support for these with-beam facilities.
    1616 2 // __Evaluation of the benefits of the initiative & optimisation of the R&D programme:__ // S. Green, P. Price \\
     17  * PP has an outline and discussion of section authors etc. is underway.  Will take this forward in the coming weeks.  Target for publication is now the special issue that Jason is editing.
    1718 3 // __Development of next steps in LhARA accelerator R&D programme:__// C. Whyte, J. Pasternak \\
     19  * CW: Continued development of source and capture simulation.  E.Boella will exploit HPC to attempt a 3D simulation of the source.  Experimental electron-plasma work plan for Swansea being developed.
     20  * JPa: Three papers were sent to IPAC: source/capture, Gabor lens, and FFA injection-line optimisation.  JP noted the synergy between the slow extraction work for the NIMMS2 project at CERN and the possibility to exploit the same technique in LhARA.
    1821 4 // __Proton- and ion-acoustic imaging:__ J. Bamber, P. Beard \\
     22  * Simulation of acoustic signal now underway.  G4 (HTL code) used to generate energy deposited in water phantom.  The calculation of the enrergy density is then made and the translation to photo-accoustic signal is done in kwave (a MatLab package).  Beam from Brm cyclotron to deliver proof-of-principle system would require a chopper upgrade (J. Guggenheim).  We discussed the need to review the specifications of the required system to see whether it would be possible or efficient to deliver the requisite short bunches.
    1923 5 // __ Outline Conceptual Design Report for the PoP biological-assessment facility:__ // R. McLauchlan, T. Price \\
     24  * This activity has become somewhat more concrete with the ambition to create a vertical beam line on the Brm cyclotron.
    21264. ** DoNM **:
    22  * 08Jun21; 14:00 BST __or__ skip this meeting as we're already meeting on 10Jun21.
     27 * 08Jun21; 14:00 BST in addition to the half-day meeting on 10Jun21.
    24295. **AOB**
     30 * TG has contacted Laura Harkness-Brennen -- chair do the STFC Cancer Diagnosis Network. TG asked for slot to present LhARA at the next meeting.  LHB has agreed to the proposed presentation.