| 32 | - We discussed the need explicitly to include PPI in the discussion of this item. |
| 33 | - GJ reminded us of the document that HH and he had drafted on a PPI strategy. He commented that the strategy needs to be updated to adapt to the current situation. |
| 34 | - HH emphasised the need to take a broad approach and asked for input on the benefits of the LhARA programme to medical and other science and societal areas. We decided to use a SLACK channel to share information and especially in the first instance to share ideas about the benefits of the LhARA programme in the broadest sense. |
| 35 | - TP set up a slack channel for LhARA at: |
| 36 | - https://join.slack.com/t/slack-kuo1955/shared_invite/zt-tydevjxw-mcxGGu5XaFfHEhareBhDlQ |
| 37 | |