= LhARA fortnightly Meeting 14^th^ September 2021; 14:00 BST = **ZOOM link:** https://cern.zoom.us/j/98161361260?pwd=K1BseEF6ckNyc1RRWld4ODhiUDVsUT09 == Agenda == 1. **[wiki:Research/DesignStudy/Meetings/2021/2021-08-31 Notes of previous meetings] and actions ** \\ - Status of actions: - None recorded. 2. ** Preparation of LhARA proposal and work package reports:** - Skeleton and planning: K. Long - Stakeholder plan update: (KL), J. Parsons, P. Price - Work package reports: 1. Project Management: J. Parsons, C. Whyte 2. Laser-driven source: E. Boella, N. Dover, R. Gray 3. Ion capture: M. Charlton, W. Bertsche 4. Dose-deposition profiling: J. Bamber, J. Mattheson 5. Vertical beam line and biological end station development: R. McLauchlan, T. Price 6. Accelerator design and integration: N. Bliss, J. Pasternak 3. ** Outreach: ** \\ 1. Publications: * White paper: * Brief update KL: skeleton completed and being prepared in Overleaf. A further update will be presented next time. * LhARA design update: * Getting started, brief update: KL: JPa has agreed to lead the preparation of the LhARA design-update paper. 2. Conferences: * FLASH * Vienna Conference on Instrumentation 4. ** DoNM **: * 28Sep21 5. **AoB** ----