= LhARA collaboration meeting 15^th^ December 2021 = **ZOOM**: https://imperial-ac-uk.zoom.us/j/95462390986?pwd=VkJuUUZFWGJhZzN5UURud1UwbHloQT09 \\ Meeting ID: 954 6239 0986 \\ Passcode: *2Nerb || **11:00** || **// Session 1: introduction and radiation biology //** |||||| || 1. || [raw-attachment:01-2021-12-15-LONG.pptx Welcome and introduction] || K. Long || 5 mins || || 2. || Radiation biology || || || [raw-attachment:02-LhARA-meeting-Dec-2021-Parsons.pdf The radiobiology of protons and high-LET particles: Opportunities with LhARA] || J. Parsons || 10 mins || || || [raw-attachment:03-lhara.pptx Proton minibeam radiotherapy and perspectives at LhARA] || Y. Prezado || 10 mins || || **11:30** || **// Session 2a: The LhARA Programme //** |||||| || || // WP2: Laser-driven proton and ion source: E. Boella, N. Dover, R. Gray // |||||| || 1. || [raw-attachment:WP2-20211215_LhARA_meeting_Dover.pdf WP2 Context/outline/Roadmap] || N. Dover || 10 mins || || 2. || [raw-attachment:WP2-RJG_Lhara_CollabMeeting_slides.pdf Experiments and technology development for WP2] || R. Gray || 10 mins || || 3. || [raw-attachment:WP2-Boella_15122021.pdf Simulations and modelling for WP2] || E. Boella || 10 mins || **// 12:00: Break 1 //** || **12:30** || **// Session 2b: The LhARA Programme //** |||||| || || // WP3: Proton and ion capture: W. Bertsche, M. Charlton, C. Baker // |||||| || 1. || [raw-attachment:WP3-LhARA-15Dec2021-Collaboration-Meeting-WP3-upload-slides.pdf Introduction] || C. Baker for M. Charlton || 3-5 mins || || 1. || Source/capture interface & Stage 1 b/l simulation || HT Lau || 2-3 mins || || 1. || [raw-attachment: Measurements at Swansea and status of interpretation] || T.S. Dascalu || 3-5 mins || || 1. || [raw-attachment:WP3-LhARA-15Dec2021-BAKER.pdf Proposal summary] || C. Baker || 5-10 mins || || 5. || Conclusions || M. Charlton || 3-5 mins || || 5. || Discussion || All || 3-5 mins || || || // WP4: Ion-acoustic dose mapping: J. Bamber, E. Harris, J. Matheson // |||||| || 1. || [raw-attachment:WP4-Bamber-LhARA-day-21-12-15.pdf Background, overview and hardware concept] || J. Bamber || 5 mins || || 2. || [raw-attachment:WP4-ionacoustics_kWave_Cox.pptx Foward modelling and dose-map reconstruction] || B. Cox || 5 mins || || 3. || [raw-attachment:JM_151221_v2.pptx​​ Field standard dose-measurement reference] || J. Matheson || 5 mins || || 4. || Long-term vision for use and impact || E. Harris || 5 mins || || 5. || Q&A || All || 10 mins || **// 13:30: Break 2 //** || **14:00** || **// Session 2c: The LhARA Programme //** |||||| || || // WP5: Novel end-station development: R. McLauchlan, T. Price, C. Welsche // |||||| || 1. || [raw-attachment:WP5-LhARA_halfday_Dec21_WP5.pptx Beamline instrumentation] || T. Price || 30 mins || || || // WP6: Design and integration: N. Bliss, J. Pasternak // |||||| || 1. || [raw-attachment:WP6-JPasternak-15122021.pdf Part 1] || J. Pasternak || 15 mins || || 2. || [raw-attachment:LhARA-collaboration-mtg-WP6-v1.0-2021-12-15.pdf Part 2] || N. Bliss || 15 mins || || **15:00** || **// Session 3: Closing discussion //** |||||| || 1. || Ion Therapy Research Facility (ITRF) status and next steps || M. Noro || 10 mins || || 2. || Discussion, next-steps and wrap up |||| 20 mins || ----