| 1 | = LhARA fortnightly Meeting 24^th^ May 2022; 14:00 BST = |
| 2 | |
| 3 | **ZOOM:** https://cern.zoom.us/j/98161361260?pwd=K1BseEF6ckNyc1RRWld4ODhiUDVsUT09 |
| 4 | |
| 5 | == Agenda == |
| 6 | |
| 7 | 1. **[wiki:Research/DesignStudy/Meetings/2022/2022-05-10 Notes of previous meetings] and actions ** |
| 8 | |
| 9 | 2. **LhARA @ ITRF:** H. Owen (to be confirmed) |
| 10 | |
| 11 | 3. ** Preparation of LhARA proposal and next steps:** |
| 12 | - Proposal document, planning and next steps: K. Long |
| 13 | * [raw-attachment:02-2022-05-10-Long.pptx Slides] |
| 14 | - Project planning status and next steps: C. Whyte |
| 15 | * [raw-attachment:22_05_10_CWhyte.pdf Slide] |
| 16 | |
| 17 | 4. ** Outreach: ** \\ |
| 18 | 1. Publications: |
| 19 | * White paper: K. Long |
| 20 | * LhARA design update: J. Pasternak |
| 21 | * WWW update: A. Kurup |
| 22 | * 4-nation PPI event: A. Kurup |
| 23 | 2. Conferences: |
| 24 | * ICHEP: KL; |
| 25 | |
| 26 | 5. ** DoNM **: |
| 27 | * 07Jun22 |
| 28 | |
| 29 | 6. **AoB** |
| 30 | |
| 31 | ---- |