Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of Research/DesignStudy/PMO/Meetings/2021-10-20

Oct 20, 2021, 10:56:29 AM (3 years ago)



  • Research/DesignStudy/PMO/Meetings/2021-10-20

    v4 v5  
    11= LhARA Project Office meeting 20Oct21; 10:00 BST =
    3 **ZOOM:**
     3== Notes ==
     5**Present:** AG, KL, JP
     71. [wiki:Research/DesignStudy/PMO/Meetings/2021-10-06 Notes] and actions: All \\
     8 Accepted.
     102. Update on inaugural SG chairs: KL \\
     11 - KL reported that Y. Prezado (Inst. Curie) and T. Greenshaw (Liv) had agreed to chair the SG.  All welcomed them.  They are now invited to the PO.
     133. Status of preparation of the proposal: KL/CW; All \\
     14 To include preparation of its independent review.
     15 - Preparation continues.  Most work packages are making good progress.  Work continues to identify the principal objectives of the end-station development w/p (WP5).
     16 - CCAP IAB membership now defined.  Project review still needs to be recruited.  **KL** to initiate search today.
     184. Dissemination plan: KL, All
     19 - **Agreed** to seek opportunities to deliver seminars across UK starting next year (i.e. Jan22).  Targets should include UK unis with interest in this area and expert institutes, e.g. RFI etc.  **KL** will make list of target institutes and circulate.
     20 - **Agreed** to seek to do seminars inlife/natural scientist pairs  pairs.
     21 - **Agreed** need to make a slide set: needs to include vision, life/natural science outcomes, impact, and "marketing" information e.g. benefits to clinic, UK wealth creation, skilled jobs, revolutionary technique for variate of applications from pure science, to clinic and industry (**KL** to initiate)
     22 - **Agreed** to make one-slide summary of programme for 02Nov21.  **KL** to draft, **All* to contribute.
     245. Confirm date of December plenary: All
     25 - From DOODLE poll, most popular day: 15Dec21.  **Agree** to adopt this date.  **KL** to circulate and work to secure venue.
     276. DONM \\
     28 03Nov21; 10:00 GMT
     307. AoB \\
     31 None
     33=== Summary of actions ===
     34 - **KL** initiate search for project expert for proposal review.
     35 - **KL** begin draft of peer-group slide set for LhARA seminars.
     36 - **KL** draft one slide summary of LhARA programme
     37 - **KL** Circulate 15Dec21 date for plenary meeting and initiate organisation
    539== Agenda ==