3 | | **ZOOM:** https://imperial-ac-uk.zoom.us/j/91593638889?pwd=c1lHM3pFV3M2by8rNmhjcnp1K01QZz09 |
| 3 | == Notes == |
| 4 | |
| 5 | **Present:** AG, KL, JP |
| 6 | |
| 7 | 1. [wiki:Research/DesignStudy/PMO/Meetings/2021-10-06 Notes] and actions: All \\ |
| 8 | Accepted. |
| 9 | |
| 10 | 2. Update on inaugural SG chairs: KL \\ |
| 11 | - KL reported that Y. Prezado (Inst. Curie) and T. Greenshaw (Liv) had agreed to chair the SG. All welcomed them. They are now invited to the PO. |
| 12 | |
| 13 | 3. Status of preparation of the proposal: KL/CW; All \\ |
| 14 | To include preparation of its independent review. |
| 15 | - Preparation continues. Most work packages are making good progress. Work continues to identify the principal objectives of the end-station development w/p (WP5). |
| 16 | - CCAP IAB membership now defined. Project review still needs to be recruited. **KL** to initiate search today. |
| 17 | |
| 18 | 4. Dissemination plan: KL, All |
| 19 | - **Agreed** to seek opportunities to deliver seminars across UK starting next year (i.e. Jan22). Targets should include UK unis with interest in this area and expert institutes, e.g. RFI etc. **KL** will make list of target institutes and circulate. |
| 20 | - **Agreed** to seek to do seminars inlife/natural scientist pairs pairs. |
| 21 | - **Agreed** need to make a slide set: needs to include vision, life/natural science outcomes, impact, and "marketing" information e.g. benefits to clinic, UK wealth creation, skilled jobs, revolutionary technique for variate of applications from pure science, to clinic and industry (**KL** to initiate) |
| 22 | - **Agreed** to make one-slide summary of programme for 02Nov21. **KL** to draft, **All* to contribute. |
| 23 | |
| 24 | 5. Confirm date of December plenary: All |
| 25 | - From DOODLE poll, most popular day: 15Dec21. **Agree** to adopt this date. **KL** to circulate and work to secure venue. |
| 26 | |
| 27 | 6. DONM \\ |
| 28 | 03Nov21; 10:00 GMT |
| 29 | |
| 30 | 7. AoB \\ |
| 31 | None |
| 32 | |
| 33 | === Summary of actions === |
| 34 | - **KL** initiate search for project expert for proposal review. |
| 35 | - **KL** begin draft of peer-group slide set for LhARA seminars. |
| 36 | - **KL** draft one slide summary of LhARA programme |
| 37 | - **KL** Circulate 15Dec21 date for plenary meeting and initiate organisation |