= LhARA Project Office meeting 20Oct21; 10:00 BST = **ZOOM:** https://imperial-ac-uk.zoom.us/j/91593638889?pwd=c1lHM3pFV3M2by8rNmhjcnp1K01QZz09 == Agenda == 1. [wiki:Research/DesignStudy/PMO/Meetings/2021-10-06 Notes] and actions: All \\ Actions: - '''DK''': to call/update WP1 (PO) meetings fortnightly. - **DONE** 2. Update on inaugural SG chairs: KL 3. Status of preparation of the proposal: KL/CW; All - To include preparation of its independent review. 4. Dissemination plan: KL, All - RFI, list of unis - Slide sets: need the marketing - Amato 02Nov -- 1 slide on LhArA -- make one - Diagram; why revolutionary; impact in bio, clinic, physics, what for UK collaboration, jobs, jobs, jobs, revolutionary for UK science 5. Confirm date of December plenary: All 15Dec21 ... 6. DONM 7. AoB ----