= LhARA Project Office meeting 17Nov21; 10:00 GMT = **ZOOM:** https://imperial-ac-uk.zoom.us/j/91593638889?pwd=c1lHM3pFV3M2by8rNmhjcnp1K01QZz09 == Agenda == 1. [wiki:Research/DesignStudy/PMO/Meetings/2021-11-03 Notes] and actions: All \\ - **KL** initiate search for project expert for proposal review. - **Done.** I. Robson has agreed to serve. - **KL** begin draft of peer-group slide set for LhARA seminars. - **Done.** See slide later. - **KL** draft one slide summary of LhARA programme - **Done.** See slide later. - **KL** Circulate 15Dec21 date for plenary meeting and initiate organisation - **Done.** Now need to work on agenda; start today. 3. Status of preparation of the proposal and discussion: KL intro/All \\ See [raw-attachment:2021-11-17-PO-LONG.pptx slides.] 4. DONM \\ 01Dec21; 10:00 GMT 7. AoB ----