= LhARA Executive Board 15Jun22; 16:00 GMT = **ZOOM:** https://imperial-ac-uk.zoom.us/j/91593638889?pwd=c1lHM3pFV3M2by8rNmhjcnp1K01QZz09 == Agenda == 1. [wiki:Research/DesignStudy/PMO/Meetings/2022-05-01 Notes] and actions: All \\ - Status of actions: * **KL** contact Leo Cancer Care * **Done.** No response yet. * **KL** initiate creation of "master JeS" * **Done.** STFC internal discussions about how to take this forward underway. * **KL** contact Director PPD and the relevant programme manager in the Programmes Directorate of STFC. * **Done.** Conversation with S. Verth STFC PD next Monday. Conversation with D. Newbold Director STFC PPD pending. * **KL** will organise a meeting with AG, JPar, and YP to find a set of targets for proposals from verious UK funding agencies and the EU. * **Done.** Report below. * **KL** will follow up with Wellcome to ask for a response to our letter of introduction. * **Stands.** 2. External review of proposal; ToR: All \\ 3. LhARA and the ITRF: alignment progress: All \\ 4. Raising the resources for the initiative: KL, All \\ [raw-attachment:2022-06-15-Long.pptx Slides] 5. DONM - To be agreed 6. AoB ----