= LhARA Executive Board 23Sep22; 10:00 BST = **ZOOM:** https://cern.zoom.us/j/68488964693?pwd=dXhGL1pmU2lKTHlySCtlaXo3TzZldz09 == Agenda == 1. [wiki:Research/DesignStudy/PMO/Meetings/2022-08-24 Notes] and actions: All \\ - Status of actions: 2. Update on external review of proposal; KL, CW \\ 3. LhARA and the ITRF: alignment and preparations for October start: KL, CW \\ * Document naming/storage 4. Collaboration meeting, Liverpool, 14Oct22 5. Issues for IB: TG, YP \\ - Next meeting scheduled for 14Sep22, but, KL on vacation, can we move it back, or schedule it for after the Collaboration meeting. 6. DONM - Propose, 23Sep22; 16:00 BST 7. AoB ----