= LhARA Executive Board 05Oct22; 10:00 BST = **ZOOM:** https://cern.zoom.us/j/68488964693?pwd=dXhGL1pmU2lKTHlySCtlaXo3TzZldz09 == Agenda == 1. [wiki:Research/DesignStudy/PMO/Meetings/2022/2022-09-23 Notes] and actions: All \\ - Status of actions: * **KL** Liaise with H.Owen et al over working methods document; - **Stalled.** Propose we make a LhARA tech note out of our critique and post as an ITRF document. * **TG** Liaise with IB and others to encourage institute-specific outreach activities on the back of the ITRF announcement. - **Ongoing** * **KL** Continue to coordinate support for M. Lamont and J. Double in the preparation of the review. - **Ongoing.** Agenda item 2. Proposal status: KL, CW - [raw-attachment:LhARA-ITRF-proposal-annex.pdf​ Present status of annex] 3. Update on external review of proposal; KL, All \\ - [wiki:Research/DesignStudy/Reviews/AugSep22/Review Review pages on wiki] 4. Collaboration meeting, Liverpool, 14Oct22: TG, KL, JPar - [https://indico.stfc.ac.uk/event/628/ Meeting page] 5. Press release: All - [raw-attachment:ITRF-press-release-draft-for-review-HLO-comments.docx H.Owen draft of STFC announcement] - [raw-attachment:LhARA-press-release-220929.docx T.Greenshaw draft of LhARA announcement] 6. DONM - Propose, 19Oct22; 16:00 BST; then fortnightly 7. AoB ----