= Joint LhARA, RFI meeting on novel techniques for radiobiological and medical application = //** 17^th^ September 2020; 13:00—17:00 **// \\ This meeting is organised jointly by the LhARA team and the Rosalind Franklin Institute to areas in which novel instrumentation, diagnostics, or advanced techniques can be developed to the advance the frontiers of radiobiology and/or radiotherapy technique. Principal objectives of the meeting: * Seek areas of common interest between the CCAP, LhARA and the RFI; and * Identify possible themes for inclusion in a bid to the EPSRC against the [https://epsrc.ukri.org/funding/calls/second-call-for-transformative-healthcare-technologies-deveopment-phase/ Second Transformative Healthcare Technologies call]. == Connection details == **ZOOM video conference: To be announced** == Agenda == The agenda is being developed. If you wish to make a presentation, please contact Ruth McLauchlan (ruth.mclauchlan@nhs.net) or Tony Price (T.Price@bham.ac.uk). || **Time** || **Title** || **Speaker** || || 13:00-13:15 || [raw-attachment:01-2020-09-17-WnInA.pptx Welcome, introduction to the LhARA initiative, and goals for the meeting] || K. Long (ICL)|| || 13:15-13:30 || [raw-attachment:02-2020-09-17-Naismith.pptx The Rosalind Franklin Institute] || J. Naismith (RFI)|| || 13:30:13:45 || [raw-attachment:03-2020-09-17-Kirkland.pptx Collaborative Opportunities in Correlated Imaging] || A. Kirkland (RFI)|| || 13:45-14:00 || [raw-attachment:04-2020-09-17-Parsons.pptx Radiobiological needs 1] || J. Parsons (Liverpool)|| || 14:00-14:15 || [raw-attachment:05-2020-09-17-Prezado.pptx Lhara endstation: needs for in vivo experimentation] || Y. Prezado (Institut Curie)|| || 14:15-14:30 |||| Coffee || || 14:30-15:30 || Volunteered contributions, break-out discussion, plenary discussion || All|| || 15:30 || Closing Discussions || All|| || 16:00 |||| Adjourn ||