= LhARA pre-CDR: publication preparation page = == Journal information == **Journal:** Applied Nuclear Physics at Accelerators //Submission deadline: // 30Apr20 [https://www.frontiersin.org/about/author-guidelines Author guidelines]: * Abstract length words (max): 350 * Running title words (max): 5 * Figures & tables combined (max): 15 * Article words (max): 12,000 * KL estimate pages (max): 25 == Version history == ** Publication:** * 02Apr20: [https://ccap.hep.ph.ic.ac.uk/trac/attachment/wiki/Research/DesignStudy/PreCDR/2020-04-02-LhARA-preCDR-frontiers-d0.0.pdf Draft 0.0]: first skeleton version ** Technical note:** * 29Mar20: [https://ccap.hep.ph.ic.ac.uk/trac/attachment/wiki/Research/DesignStudy/PreCDR/Review/2020-03-31-LhARA_pre_CDR-d2.0.pdf Draft 2.0]: released for review meeting on 31Mar20 * 24Mar20: [https://ccap.hep.ph.ic.ac.uk/trac/attachment/wiki/Research/DesignStudy/PreCDR/Review/2020-03-24-LhARA_pre_CDR-d1.0.pdf Draft 1.0]: released for review meeting on 25Mar20 == Planning/schedule == * LhARA pre-CDR released as CCAP Technical note: **09Apr20** * All copy collected on Overleaf: **16Apr20** * First full draft edited: **23Apr20** * Submit to ANPA: **30Apr20** == Page and figure limits and lead authors by section == [[Image(2020-04-02-LhARA-preCDR-pub-sctns.png)]] ----