= Pre-publication review of the LhARA pre-CDR = The availability of the reviewers has dictated that the review will take place in two parts. On the 25^th^ March 2020 a review of the radiobiological aspects of the LhARA programme will take place. The review of the source, accelerator, instrumentation, and project aspects will take place on the 31^st^ March 2029. The terms of reference for the review can be found [#Administration below]. == Reviewers: == Paul Bolton; Munich \\ Mike Lamont; CERN \\ Yolanda Prezado; Curie Institute, Paris \\ Francesco Romano; INFN == Venue == The review will be conducted as a sequence of video conferences as a result of the travel restrictions imposed to combat the spread of Covid-19. purely by video conferencing using Zoom. Connection details can be found [#Zoomdetails below.] == Draft document == The updated draft of the LhARA pre-CDR (draft 2.0) can be found [raw-attachment:2020-03-31-LhARA_pre_CDR-d2.0.pdf here]. \\ {{{ #!div style="font-size: 80%" [Draft 1.0, released for the review meeting on the 24Mar20 may be found [raw-attachment:2020-03-24-LhARA_pre_CDR-d1.0.pdf here].] }}} == Y. Prezado's evaluation of LhARA following the review meeting on the 24^th^ March 2020 == Y. Prezado's evaluation of the LhARA project may be found [raw-attachment:2020-03-27-review.CDR.YP.pdf here]. == Agenda 31^st^ March 2020 == ||=**Time^*^**=||=**Speaker**=||=**Title**=|| || 12:00—12:30 || Reviewers and PIs || Clarifications, administrative issues, and organisation || ||12:30—12:45 || All || Assemble and contingency || ||12:45—13:00 || K. Long (ICL) || Welcome and introduction ([raw-attachment:01-2020-03-31-LONG-Intro.pptx PPTX], [raw-attachment:01-2020-03-31-LONG-Intro.pdf PDF]) || ||13:00—13:25 || J. Parsons(Liverpool) || Radiobiological motivation and feedback from Y. Prezado || ||13:35—13:55 || A. Kurup, pre-CDR PM (ICL) || LhARA pre-CDR overview ([raw-attachment:03-2020-03-31-Kurup.pptx PPTX], [raw-attachment:03-2020-03-31-Kurup.pdf PDF]) || ||13:55—14:00 || All || Contingency || ||14:00—14:20 || O. Ettlinger (ICL) || Laser driven proton and ion source ([raw-attachment:04-CCAP_PreCDR_Talk_LASER.pdf PDF]) || ||14:20—14:40 || C. Whyte (Strathclyde) || Proton and ion capture ([raw-attachment:05-LhARA_PPR_Whyte_20_03_30.pdf PDF]) || ||14:40—15:00 || J. Pasternak (ICL) || Design of the LhARA accelerator facility || ||15:00—15:20 || W. Shields (RHUL) || Simulation of LhARA ([raw-attachment:WShields_LhARA_Simulations.pdf​ PDF]) || ||15:20—15:40 || J. Matheson (STFC RAL, PPD) || Instrumentation || ||15:40—16:00 || J. Hughes (Liverpool) || Biological end stations ([raw-attachment:09-JH-BES-preCDR-Meeting-310320-1.pptx PPTX], [raw-attachment:09-JH-BES-preCDR-Meeting-310320-1.pdf PDF]) || ||16:00—16:20 || G. Aymar (STFC RAL, ISIS) || Infrastructure considerations ([raw-attachment:10-Aymar_LhARA_STFC_Update_20200331.pptx PPTX], [raw-attachment:10-Aymar_LhARA_STFC_Update_20200331.pdf PDF]) || ||16:20—16:30 || All || Contingency || ||16:30—17:00 || Reviewers || Discussion || ||17:00—17:30 || All || Feedback and close-out || ^*^ Times are to be understood to include 5 minutes for questions. == Agenda 25^th^ March 2020 == ||=**Time^*^**=||=**Speaker**=||=**Title**=|| ||14:00—14:15|| K. Long (ICL) || Introduction ([raw-attachment:01-2020-03-25-LONG-Intro.pptx PPTX], [raw-attachment:01-2020-03-25-LONG-Intro.pdf PDF]) || ||14:15—14:50|| J. Parsons (Liverpool) || The motivation for LhARA ([raw-attachment:pre-CDR-Radiobiology-Motivation-March-2020.pptx PPTX], [raw-attachment:pre-CDR-Radiobiology-Motivation-March-2020.pdf PDF]) || ||14:50—15:10|| A. Kurup (ICL) || Overview of the LhARA facility ([raw-attachment:2020-03-25-Kurup.pptx PPTX​],[raw-attachment:2020-03-25-Kurup.pdf PDF​]) || ||15:10—16:30|| All || Discussion || ||16:30—17:00|| Y. Prezado (Curie Institute) || Conclusions and close-out || ^*^ Times are to be understood to include 5 minutes for questions. == Administration == * [raw-attachment:2020-03-09-LhARAR-preCDR-Review-ToR-final.pdf Terms of reference] * **For the reviewers:** [raw-attachment:ExpenseClaim2020.xls​ Expense claim form] == Zoom details == **https://cern.zoom.us/j/941549432?pwd=VjVpb01FSHIrdVRWTTJhVklEVXdyQT09** \\ Meeting ID: 941 549 432 Password: 646820 {{{ #!div style="font-size: 80%" One tap mobile {{{ +41432107042,,941549432# Switzerland +41432107108,,941549432# Switzerland }}} Dial by your location {{{ +41 43 210 70 42 Switzerland +41 43 210 71 08 Switzerland +41 31 528 09 88 Switzerland +33 1 7037 9729 France +33 7 5678 4048 France +33 1 7037 2246 France Meeting ID: 941 549 432 Find your local number: https://cern.zoom.us/u/a2rZwec54 }}} Join by SIP {{{ 941549432@zoomcrc.com }}} Join by H.323 {{{ (US West) (US East) (China) (India Mumbai) (India Hyderabad) (EMEA) (Australia) (Hong Kong) (Brazil) (Canada) (Japan) Meeting ID: 941 549 432 Password: 646820 }}} }}} ----