Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of Research/DesignStudy/PreCDR/SG/2020-01-31

Feb 26, 2020, 12:18:09 PM (4 years ago)



  • Research/DesignStudy/PreCDR/SG/2020-01-31

    v2 v3  
    33 //**31 January 2020 10:00 GMT**//
     5== Notes: ==
     7**Present:** JPar, KL, TG, PB, AK,
     91. [wiki:Research/DesignStudy/PreCDR/SG/2019-12-17 Notes of last meeting and actions arising:]
     10 * **KK/JP**: Consult regarding specification of the end stations.
     11  * **Stands.**  JPar will go to Manchester in a fortnight for separate meeting with K.Kirkbg.  He will raise the issue of the end-stations for LhARA then.
     12 * **KL**: Initiate preparation of a meeting with interested parties in the UK and the IBC spokespeople.
     13  * **Ongoing.** The need for such a meeting was discussed with Y.Prezado, deputy IBC spoke.  The discussion needs to be take forward.  The opportunity of the IBC Executive Committee meeting in Rome in February will be used fofr this purpose.
     14 * **KL**: Set up series of meetings with leads at partner organisations to discuss preparation of R&D programme.
     15  * **Stands.**
     172. [raw-attachment:2019-12-17-SGMeeting.pptx​ Status of development of pre-CDR]: AK \\
     18 See slides linked to the heading for this item.  Points noted:
     19  * Stage 1: beam line has been made shorter by exploiting quadrupoles.
     20  * Stage 2: work on the optical design is now starting.
     21  * AK noted the timetable is very tight to complete the pre-CDR.  Work continues.
     22  * Gabor lens details need to be added to the simulation.  The details of the endstations need to be clarified.
     243. Status of preparation of pre-publication review of LhARA pre-CDR: KL \\
     25 * The review of the pre-CDR will take place on 31Mar20 at Imperial.  Y. Prezado, the radiobiology review, is unable to attend on 31Mar.  A pre-review meeting with Y. Prezado has been arranged and will take place on the 25Mar20, again at Imperial.
     274. Furthering national and international links: All \\
     28 * We discussed various ways in which to develop the activity.  In particular the possibility that a submission to the EPSRC "Big ideas" stream might be considered.  The advice of P.Weightman (Liverpool) should be sought in the preparation of this.
     305. Review of actions and next steps: All \\
     31 * Important now to begin the drafting process for the pre-CDR and to close the details of the pre-publication review.
     336. DONMs \\
     34 28Feb20; 10:00
     367. AoB \\
     37 None.
    541== Meeting details ==
    2864  * **Stands.** Now urgent.
    30 2. [raw-attachment:2020-01-31-SGMeeting.pptx​ Status of development of pre-CDR]: AK \\
     662. [raw-attachment:2019-12-17-SGMeeting.pptx​ Status of development of pre-CDR]: AK \\
    3167 //To include: //
    3268  * Progress towards end-to-end simulation.