= Proposal to be submitted against the EPSRC Transformative Healthcare Technologies for 2050 call = {{{ #!html

Last updated: 24Apr19 [KL]

}}} Call details on the EPSRC WWW site: [https://epsrc.ukri.org/funding/calls/transformativehealthcare2050/ Transformative Healthcare Technologies for 2050] The following information is shared during the preparation of the proposal against the EPSRC transformative h/c 2050 call. Nothing linked here is to be considered final. * [raw-attachment:2019-04-22-DPP-PBT-2050-spread.xlsm Status of 'big spreadsheet' for costing (as at 22Apr19)] * The overview of the costing is in the tab 'Overview'. * The summary of the staff request is in the tab 'Staff table' * 'Green' table are for input. The macro that generates the data in the other table is 'Calculate costs'. * The 'blue' and uncoloured tabs are used by the macros. * Costings are presently notional. The spreadsheet will be taken down when the staff costs are accurate. * [raw-attachment:LhARA-EPSRC-THCT50.pdf Status of case for support (max 5 pages) (as at 15Apr19)] * Update in progress. Will be posted 22Apr19 or 23Apr19.