= Preparation of proposal to be submitted against the STFC 2019 Opportunities call = {{{ #!html

Last updated: 02Jul19 [KL]

}}} ---- === PPRP review: === [raw-attachment:2019-07-01-ResponseToFeedback.pdf Response to 'introducers'.] \\ [raw-attachment:2019-07-02-AT4Rbi&CRT.pptx Two slides for introducers'.] \\ [raw-attachment:01-STFC-Opportunities-Call-STT0026381.pdf Feedback from 'introducers'.] === Submitted: === [raw-attachment:CCAP-AdvTech-RbioRT.pdf Case for support.] \\ [raw-attachment:jes-2209296.pdf Extract of JeS submission.] [[br]] === Call details: === Call details on the STFC WWW site: [https://stfc.ukri.org/funding/research-grants/funding-opportunities/2019-opportunities-call/ 2019 Opportunities] Call papers uploaded to wiki: * [raw-attachment:01-2019-Opportunities-Call.pdf PDF from call WWW page]. * [raw-attachment:02-Opportunity-Call-2019.pdf Call details]. * [raw-attachment:03-Opportunity-Call-2019-EIA.pdf Equality and inclusion impact assessment]. ----