Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Research/DesignStudy/SteeringGroup/2020-09-24

Sep 23, 2020, 4:27:38 PM (4 years ago)



  • Research/DesignStudy/SteeringGroup/2020-09-24

    v1 v1  
     3== Notes ==
     51. [wiki:Research/DesignStudy/SteeringGroup/2020-06-05 Notes of last meeting and actions arising:]
     6 * **KL**: Set up series of meetings with leads at partner organisations to discuss preparation of R&D programme.
     7  * **Ongoing.**  Need to step up the priority of this activity as we prepare the EPSRC proposal.
     8 * **KL/CB**: Consider meeting between Imperial (and other) ion-accelerator experts with the relevant experts in CLF.
     9  * **Stands.** This meeting is necessary and, probably, should include Strathclyde and Belfast.  Agreed, morph action to include all.
     10 * **KL/KK** to collaborate on the development for a proposal for such a meeting on the timescale of November 2020.
     11  * **Stands.** Agenda item.
     12 * **KL** Send out diary invitation straight away to get it into the diary.
     13  * **Done.**
     152. [raw-attachment:2020-07-03-Progress-update.pdf Update on progress]: KL \\
     16 See slides which contain a brief status report as well as the provocation of the discussion for agenda item 4.
     183. Discussion of SG composition: KL/All
     19 - We agreed to re-set the SG composition to include one representative per group, the work-package managers (once they are defined), and co-opted members as required.  **KL** will work towards proper representation at the next SG meeting.
     20 - JPar noted that it would be important to make sure that groups were represented in the meeting and insitute Directors may need to be encouraged to delegate appropriately.
     224. [ EPSRC Transformative Healthcare Technologies call]: KL/All
     23 * Dealing with feedback from our 2019 submission: \\
     24   "//Engagement with patients, clinicians and industry could have been strengthened//"
     25  - Patient engagement:
     26   - Actions taken to date include engagement with the PPI group at CXH in London.  These contacts will be taken forward.
     27   - We **agreed**:
     28    - Make local contacts by partner:
     29     - **KK**: Manchester
     302     - **JPar**: Liverpool
     31     - **CW**: Glasgow -- JPar will help with introduction to Anthony Chalmers, ex chair of CTRAD
     32     - **KL**: Will contact K.Prise in Belfast to see whether/how contact to PPI can be made.
     33    - With local contacts made we'll try and coordinate broader activity, Perhaps K.Gleeson (CXH) may take a role here.
     34    - CTRAD: important to bring Workstreams 1 and 4 into the patient- and clinician-engagement activities.  **KL&JPar** will write to KK in her capacity as W/s4 chair to ask for help in this regard.
     35    - NIHR: Various local groups, including one in London with which K.Gleeson is in contact.  Seek to exploit NIHR.  **KL** will raise possibility with K.Gleeson.
     36   - General comment from SG: need to ask what is important to patients.  We discussed co-opting a PPI member to our SG.  **KL** agreed to ask the author of the Lay Summaries of the pre-CDR and the publication if he would be willing to play this role.
     37  - Clinician engagement:
     38   - Within Imperial Trust and College contacts with clinicians and medical physicists good and being strengthened.  We discussed the need to develop links with clinicians at the various partner institutes.  We **agreed**:
     39    - **SG**: Birmingham
     40    - **JPar**: Liverpool
     41    - **KK**: Manchester (perhaps in collaboration with N. Burnett)
     42    - **CW**: Glasgow -- JPar will help with introduction to Anthony Chalmers, ex chair of CTRAD
     43    - **KL**: Contact K. Prise and M. Borghesi re clinician contact in Belfast.
     44  - As in the case of patient engagement we **agreed** to contact CTRAD to seek support in reaching out.  **KL/JPar** will write to the KK to seek support in this endeavour.
     45  - Industrial engagement:
     46   - Some contacts made at time of preparation of last meeting and need to push forward to enhance the industrial engagement going forward.  After discussing how to proceed we **agreed**:
     47    - **KL**: Will write to J.Clarke to ask for support to reach out to relevant industry.
     48    - **PA**: Will make contact with MTC to see how to make contact with relevant industry. **PA/KL** will cooperate in drafting a letter.
     49   - Possible engagement: Teledyne-E2V; Oxford Instruments, FMD-Oxford, STFC engagement team.
     50   - We noted the possibility that we should get a person to coordinate our industrial engagement.
     51 * Slides to initiate discussion of (done under 2 above):
     52  - Scope: we agreed to target first radiobiology exposures on LhARA within the 5-year scope of the bid.
     53  - We discussed the w/p structure.  KK pointed out that it needed to map explicitly to the EPSRC priority deliverables.  **KL** will take a second look at the proposed w/p structure and propose a revision.
     54  - Stakeholders from whom we should be seeking support; --All--
     55   - TKW proposed to make a diagram showing expertise required vs expertise available.  **KL** will coordinate the creation of such a diagram.  This diagram will also be valuable in negotiations with partners.
     575. Follow-up discussion of dedicated advanced diagnostics and instrumentation for the //in vitro// and //in vivo// end stations: KL/all
     58 - KL reported that R.McLauchlan (CXH) had agreed to take an overview/coordinating role in this area.  RMcL explained the vision to bring people together to understand what the opportunities are and how to bring the activity together into a coherent programme.
     59 - PA pointed out the need to take a staged approach with an initial focus on making sure the beam delivered is appropriate.
     60 - JPar pointed out that Liverpool has a Centre for Pre-Clinical Imaging.
     61 - We agreed to work towards a small sub-group to guide the development of the meeting and subsequently guide the development of the activity.  **KL/RMcL** will liaise to bring this about.
     636. DONMs \\
     64 * 04 Sep 2020; 10:00 BST
     667. AoB \\
     67 - None.