Changes between Version 12 and Version 13 of Research/DesignStudy/SteeringGroup/2020-09-24

Nov 23, 2020, 9:55:50 AM (4 years ago)



  • Research/DesignStudy/SteeringGroup/2020-09-24

    v12 v13  
    33 //**24^th^ September 2020 10:00 GMT**//
    5 == Connection details ==
     5== Notes ==
    7 ZOOM meeting: ****
     71. **[wiki:Research/DesignStudy/SteeringGroup/2020-07-03 Notes of last meeting and actions arising:]**
     8 * **KL**: Set up series of meetings with leads at partner organisations to discuss preparation of R&D programme.
     9  - **Superceded.**
     10 * **KL/CB**: Consider meeting between Imperial (and other) ion-accelerator experts with the relevant experts in CLF.
     11  - **Ongoing.**
     12 * **KL/KK**: to collaborate on the development for a proposal for such a meeting on the timescale of November 2020.
     13  - **Ongoing.**
     14 * **KL**: Ensure one representative per group at the next LhARA SG meeting.
     15  - **Stands.**
     16 * **KL**: Raise NIHR engagement with K.Gleeson.
     17  - **Done.**
     18 * **KL**: Seek PPI representative for SG.
     19  - **Done.** Welcome G. Jones and H. Hall.
     20 * **KK, JPar, CW, KL**: Make relevant contact with local PPI groups as described in item 4.
     21  - StG: Brm is not a radiotherapy research centre.  Shoudl contact Manchester, Oxford, and Liverpool.
     22  - TG: Also need to contact with relevant medical physics groups.
     23 * **KL&JPar**: Write to CTRAD w/s 4 chair (KK) to ask how we might work together to raise awarenents of our programme among the patient and clinician communitites.
     24  - **Done.** Letter written and sent, see under clinician engagement below. Revised action needs to be agreed.
     25 * **KK, JPar, CW, KL, SG**: Make relevant contact with local clinician groups as described in item 4.
     26  - **Ongoing.**
     27 * **KL**: Write to J.Clarke to ask for support to reach out to relevant industry.
     28  - **Stands.**
     29 * **PA**: Make contact with MTC to see how to make contact with relevant industry.
     30  - Stands
     31 * **PA/KL** will cooperate in drafting a letter.
     32  - **Stands.**
     33 * **KL**: Review proposed w/p structure and skills matrix taking into account comments under item 4.
     34  - **Stands.
     35 * **KL/RMcL**: Liaise to generate small group to coordinate development of instrumentation aspects of the programme.
     36  - **Done.** Meeting organised between A.Price and R.McLauchlan a success.
     382. **[raw-attachment:2020-09-24-Update-Long.pptx Update on progress]: KL** \\
     403. **[raw-attachment:LhARA-PPI-Strategy-DRAFT-HH-GJ-version-05Sep20.pdf Towards a PPI strategy for LhARA]: GJ, HH** \\
     41 - Main stem of strategy is to raise awareness with public and with patients.  Then develop the engagement as the programme progresses.
     42 - Hard to see anything which would not benefit patients and also the health services.  Patient input is vital all at all stages in the development of the programme.
     43 - Management of PPI will take time.  Perhaps means that we need to include some resource.  Marsden PPI outreach.
     44 - HH sits on various PPI advisory groups and can make links top various institutes.
     45  - Focus on engagement rather than involvement.
     46 - StG:
     47  - Agrees re effort involved in getting broad activity.  Link to the Royal Marsden will be important.
     48 - KK:
     49  - BRC links important.
     50 - SG expressed it grateful recognition of the efforts of GJ and HH and the PPI representatives in drafting the two Lay Summaries so far.  Both are/will be published.
     524. **Towards a clinician-engagement strategy for LhARA: StG** \\
     53 - Neil Burnett and Adrian Crellin from Brm meeting might be pursuared to promote activity.  Elizabeth Schuster, Rostoc is a researcher into the impact of microbeams.
     54 - There is a need to reach out to research-active clinicians.  Probably should build up a target list in preparation for a webinar.  A process such as that adopted by TP for the endstation/diagnostics development would be appropriate.
     55 - KK:
     56  - Noted the perception in the community that laser-ion beams are like nuclear fusion -- always 15 years away.
     57  - Critical to develop clear statement of what what the laser-hybrid technique can do that others cant.
     58 - Meeting:
     59  - We agreed to work towards a meeting of the relevant peer groups.  TKW agreed to make contact with IoP at "top level".
     615. **[ Transformative Healthcare Technologies second call]: KL/All** \\
     62 [raw-attachment:2020-09-24-LhARA-THT-skel-d0.2.pdf Updated outline presented at the LhARA weekly meeting 22Sep20] \\
     63 Discussion included:
     64 - PPI:                       GJ/HH
     65 - Clinician engagement:      StG
     66 - Plan for preparation of proposal
     67  - Scope
     68  - Work packages
     69  - Stakeholders
     716. **DONMs** \\
     72 * TBD
     747. **AoB** \\
    976== Agenda ==