Changes between Version 11 and Version 12 of Research/DesignStudy/SteeringGroup/2020-12-11

Mar 4, 2021, 3:37:13 PM (4 years ago)



  • Research/DesignStudy/SteeringGroup/2020-12-11

    v11 v12  
    33 //**11^th^ December 2020 16:00 GMT**//
    5 == Video conferencing details ==
     5== Notes ==
    7 ** ZOOM connection: **
     71. **[wiki:Research/DesignStudy/SteeringGroup/2020-09-24 Notes of last meeting and actions arising:]**
     8 * **KL/CB**: Consider meeting between Imperial (and other) ion-accelerator experts with the relevant experts in CLF.
     9  - **Superseded:** Strong engagement of CLF through C. Brenner has established good coordination.  Task now is to building on this going forward.
     10 * **KL/KK**: to collaborate on the development for a proposal for multidisciplinary a meeting on the timescale of November 2020.
     11  - **On going:** Concept has evolved into a peer group meeting on 01Jul21 in conjunction with a public Rutherford Lecture.  A small organising committee has being formed and KL and KK are both members.
     12 * **KL**: Ensure one representative per group at the next LhARA SG meeting.
     13  - **Done.**
     14 * **KK, JPar, CW, KL**: Make relevant contact with local PPI groups as described in item 4 (multidisciplinary meeting).
     15  - **Superseded.**
     16 * **KL**: Write to J.Clarke to ask for support to reach out to relevant industry.
     17  - **Stands.**
     18 * **PA**: Make contact with MTC to see how to make contact with relevant industry.
     19  - **Stands.**
     20 * **PA/KL** will cooperate in drafting a letter.
     21  - **Stands.**  Agreed to transfer action to KL and AP.
     22 * **KL**: Review proposed w/p structure and skills matrix taking into account comments under item 4.
     23  - **Done.
    9 == Notes ==
     252. **[raw-attachment:2020-12-11-Update-Long.pptx Update on progress]: KL** \\
     26 // To include proposal for P. Beard (UCL) to join the LhARA collaboration. //
     27 - Points noted: Paul Beard was welcomed unanimously welcomed to the collaboration.
     28 - The benefits of the proposal to the EPSRC in terms of the development of our vision and the definition of our programme were noted.  Issues related to the absence of clear feedback from the EPSRC were discussed.
     303. **Raising the resources to execute the LhARA programme: All** \\
     31 Our outline proposal to the EPSRC THT has not been successful.  The SG considered resource-raising targets for the next 2 years.  We **agreed** the target of raising around £200k to support work in each of the four themes:
     32  * // Outline Conceptual Design Report for the PoP biological-assessment facility // -- R. McLauchlan, T. Price; All
     33   - Prerequisite is the definition of the needs of the pre-clinical and biology programmes.  The discussion of these goals is underway.
     34  * // Proton- and ion-acoustic imaging // -- J. Bamber, P. Beard; All
     35   - Work was about to start towards the specification of a proof-of-principle experiment.  The goal would be to develop this experiment over the summer of 2021 to be ready to prepare a funding proposal in the autumn.
     36  * // Evaluation of the benefits of the initiative & optimisation of the R&D programme // -- S. Green, P. Price; All
     37   - The general arguments presenting the benefits of the LhARA initiative in the short term, by studying things such as FLASH in mini beams, and in the medium and long terms was needed and discussions had been initiated.  The goal would be to develop a "white paper" on the timescale of the summer of 2021.  This could then be leveraged into a fund-raising activity.
     38   - It was noted (KK) that the creation of an in-vivo line at the Christie facility has been funded by the Christie Charity.  This is an excellent development.
     39   - PP noted that it might be possible to explore with the House of Lords Health and Technology group how support for a programme in the development along the lines of the LhARA initiative might be developed.  In the future it might be possible to organise a meeting.  Another possibility would be to make contact with, e.g., Naomi Defourney, HERO, and IAEA.
     40  * // Development of next steps in LhARA accelerator R&D programme // -- C. Whyte, J. Pasternak; All
     41   - The development of Stage 1, the target and capture section, and the design of the FFA is defined through the pre-CDR and subsequent decisions.  Work would continue on the development of plans to find routes to funding.
     43 // Update on industrial strategy // -- S. Towe (KL); All
     44  - The development of collaborative activity with/through Leo Cancer Care was discussed and endorsed.
     464. **DONMs**
     47 - We agreed to meet on a two-monthly pattern; 15:00 on the first Friday of the month.
     495. **AoB** \\
     50 - None.
     54== Agenda ==
    11561. **[wiki:Research/DesignStudy/SteeringGroup/2020-09-24 Notes of last meeting and actions arising:]**