Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of Research/DesignStudy/SteeringGroup/2020-12-11

Nov 23, 2020, 10:04:33 AM (4 years ago)



  • Research/DesignStudy/SteeringGroup/2020-12-11

    v2 v3  
    1 CCAP
     1= LhARA Steering Group meeting !#5 =
     3 //**11^th^ December 2020 16:00 GMT**//
     5== Notes ==
     71. **[wiki:Research/DesignStudy/SteeringGroup/2020-09-26 Notes of last meeting and actions arising:]**
     8 * **KL/CB**: Consider meeting between Imperial (and other) ion-accelerator experts with the relevant experts in CLF.
     9  -
     10 * **KL/KK**: to collaborate on the development for a proposal for multidisciplinary a meeting on the timescale of November 2020.
     11  -
     12 * **KL**: Ensure one representative per group at the next LhARA SG meeting.
     13  - **Done.**
     14 * **KK, JPar, CW, KL**: Make relevant contact with local PPI groups as described in item 4 (multidisciplinary meeting).
     15  - **Superceded.**
     16 * **KL**: Write to J.Clarke to ask for support to reach out to relevant industry.
     17  -
     18 * **PA**: Make contact with MTC to see how to make contact with relevant industry.
     19  -
     20 * **PA/KL** will cooperate in drafting a letter.
     21  -
     22 * **KL**: Review proposed w/p structure and skills matrix taking into account comments under item 4.
     23  - **Done.
     252. **[raw-attachment:2020-09-24-Update-Long.pptx Update on progress]: KL** \\
     273. **Rasing the resources to execute the LhARA programme: All**\\
     28 // By the time of our meeting will will know whether out outline bid to the [ Transformative Healthcare Technologies second call] has been successful.  If it has been successful this item will be used to plan the completion of the full proposal.  If it has not been successful, the we shall use this item to identify resource-raising targets for the next 2 years. //
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    7 wiki:Research/DesignStudy/SteeringGroup/2020-09-24
    8 UpStart pageIndexHistory
    9 LhARA Steering Group meeting #4
    10 24th September 2020 10:00 GMT
     304. **DONMs**
    12 Notes
     325. **AoB** \\
    14 Notes of last meeting and actions arising:
    15 KL: Set up series of meetings with leads at partner organisations to discuss preparation of R&D programme.
    16 Superceded.
    17 KL/CB: Consider meeting between Imperial (and other) ion-accelerator experts with the relevant experts in CLF.
    18 Ongoing.
    19 KL/KK: to collaborate on the development for a proposal for such a meeting on the timescale of November 2020.
    20 Ongoing.
    21 KL: Ensure one representative per group at the next LhARA SG meeting.
    22 Stands.
    23 KL: Raise NIHR engagement with K.Gleeson.
    24 Done.
    25 KL: Seek PPI representative for SG.
    26 Done. Welcome G. Jones and H. Hall.
    27 KK, JPar, CW, KL: Make relevant contact with local PPI groups as described in item 4.
    28 StG: Brm is not a radiotherapy research centre. Shoudl contact Manchester, Oxford, and Liverpool.
    29 TG: Also need to contact with relevant medical physics groups.
    30 KL&JPar: Write to CTRAD w/s 4 chair (KK) to ask how we might work together to raise awarenents of our programme among the patient and clinician communitites.
    31 Done. Letter written and sent, see under clinician engagement below. Revised action needs to be agreed.
    32 KK, JPar, CW, KL, SG: Make relevant contact with local clinician groups as described in item 4.
    33 Ongoing.
    34 KL: Write to J.Clarke to ask for support to reach out to relevant industry.
    35 Stands.
    36 PA: Make contact with MTC to see how to make contact with relevant industry.
    37 Stands
    38 PA/KL will cooperate in drafting a letter.
    39 Stands.
    40 KL: Review proposed w/p structure and skills matrix taking into account comments under item 4.
    41 Stands.
    42 KL/RMcL: Liaise to generate small group to coordinate development of instrumentation aspects of the programme.
    43 Done. Meeting organised between A.Price and R.McLauchlan a success.
    44 Update on progress: KL
    45 Towards a PPI strategy for LhARA: GJ, HH
    46 Main stem of strategy is to raise awareness with public and with patients. Then develop the engagement as the programme progresses.
    47 Hard to see anything which would not benefit patients and also the health services. Patient input is vital all at all stages in the development of the programme.
    48 Management of PPI will take time. Perhaps means that we need to include some resource. Marsden PPI outreach.
    49 HH sits on various PPI advisory groups and can make links top various institutes.
    50 Focus on engagement rather than involvement.
    51 StG:
    52 Agrees re effort involved in getting broad activity. Link to the Royal Marsden will be important.
    53 KK:
    54 BRC links important.
    55 SG expressed it grateful recognition of the efforts of GJ and HH and the PPI representatives in drafting the two Lay Summaries so far. Both are/will be published.
    56 Towards a clinician-engagement strategy for LhARA: StG
    57 Neil Burnett and Adrian Crellin from Brm meeting might be pursuared to promote activity. Elizabeth Schuster, Rostoc is a researcher into the impact of microbeams.
    58 There is a need to reach out to research-active clinicians. Probably should build up a target list in preparation for a webinar. A process such as that adopted by TP for the endstation/diagnostics development would be appropriate.
    59 KK:
    60 Noted the perception in the community that laser-ion beams are like nuclear fusion -- always 15 years away.
    61 Critical to develop clear statement of what what the laser-hybrid technique can do that others cant.
    62 Meeting:
    63 We agreed to work towards a meeting of the relevant peer groups. TKW agreed to make contact with IoP at "top level".
    64 ​Transformative Healthcare Technologies second call: KL/All
    65 Updated outline presented at the LhARA weekly meeting 22Sep20
    66 Discussion included:
    67 PPI: GJ/HH
    68 Clinician engagement: StG
    69 Plan for preparation of proposal
    70 Scope
    71 Work packages
    72 Stakeholders
    73 DONMs
    74 TBD
    75 AoB
    76 Agenda
    78 Notes of last meeting and actions arising:
    79 KL: Set up series of meetings with leads at partner organisations to discuss preparation of R&D programme.
    80 Superceded.
    81 KL/CB: Consider meeting between Imperial (and other) ion-accelerator experts with the relevant experts in CLF.
    82 Ongoing.
    83 KL/KK: to collaborate on the development for a proposal for such a meeting on the timescale of November 2020.
    84 Ongoing.
    85 KL: Ensure one representative per group at the next LhARA SG meeting.
    86 Stands.
    87 KL: Raise NIHR engagement with K.Gleeson.
    88 Done.
    89 KL: Seek PPI representative for SG.
    90 Done. Welcome G. Jones and H. Hall.
    91 KK, JPar, CW, KL: Make relevant contact with local PPI groups as described in item 4.
    92 KL&JPar: Write to CTRAD w/s 4 chair (KK) to ask how we might work together to raise awarenents of our programme among the patient and clinician communitites.
    93 Done. Letter written and sent, see under clinician engagement below. Revised action needs to be agreed.
    94 KK, JPar, CW, KL, SG: Make relevant contact with local clinician groups as described in item 4.
    95 Ongoing.
    96 KL: Write to J.Clarke to ask for support to reach out to relevant industry.
    97 Stands.
    98 PA: Make contact with MTC to see how to make contact with relevant industry. PA/KL will cooperate in drafting a letter.
    99 KL: Review proposed w/p structure and skills matrix taking into account comments under item 4.
    100 Stands.&&
    101 KL/RMcL: Liaise to generate small group to coordinate development of instrumentation aspects of the programme.
    102 Done. Meeting organised between A.Price and R.McLauchlan a success.
    103 Update on progress: KL
    104 Towards a PPI strategy for LhARA: GJ, HH
    105 Towards a clinician-engagement strategy for LhARA: StG
    106 ​Transformative Healthcare Technologies second call: KL/All
    107 Updated outline presented at the LhARA weekly meeting 22Sep20
    108 Discussion to include:
    109 PPI
    110 Clinician engagement:
    111 Industrial engagement:
    112 Plan for preparation of proposal
    113 Scope
    114 Work packages
    115 Stakeholders
    116 Next steps discussion
    117 DONMs
    118 TBD
    119 AoB
    120 Last modified 26 seconds ago
    121 Attachments (4)
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