= LhARA Steering Group meeting !#6 = //**16^th^ March 2021 16:00 GMT**// {{{#!comment __Please see ZOOM login details below:__ Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85653468489?pwd=MlZrYi9XNGVSaHN3ZkV5RmpBMTUrZz09 Meeting ID: 856 5346 8489 \\ Passcode: dJ83JF }}} == Agenda == 1. **[wiki:Research/DesignStudy/SteeringGroup/2020-12-11 Notes of last meeting and actions arising:]** * **KL/KK**: to collaborate on the development for a proposal for multidisciplinary a meeting (01Jul21) * **KL**: Write to J.Clarke to ask for support to reach out to relevant industry. - **Superseded.** * **PA**: Make contact with MTC to see how to make contact with relevant industry. * **AP/KL** will cooperate in drafting a letter. 2. **[raw-attachment:2021-03-16-Update-Long.pptx Update on progress]: KL** \\ // To include proposal for Lancaster, LNS, and Swansea to join the LhARA collaboration. // 3. **Raising the resources to execute the LhARA programme: All** \\ // STFC bid to the UKRI IAC and funding initiatives by research theme. // 4. **DONMs** - To be proposed. 5. **AoB** \\ - None. ----