= LhARA Steering Group meeting !#8 = //**14^th^ June 2021 12:00 BST**// __Please see ZOOM login details below:__ Join Zoom Meeting: https://cern.zoom.us/j/65724785686?pwd=N0ZqaFVudG43aDRsOGx3eUdXYVFuUT09 == Agenda == [raw-atachment:2021-06-14-LhARA.pdf Slides for items 1 and 2] 1. **Update on LhARA and ITRF and STFC visions process and submission to UKRI IAC: KL** 2. ** Development of proposal to dovetail with UKRI IAC consideration of ITRF: All** \\ 3. **DONMs** 4. **AoB** ----