= LhARA Steering Group meeting !#10 = //**22^nd^ November 2021 11:00 BST**// **ZOOM:** https://imperial-ac-uk.zoom.us/j/91737583512?pwd=U0dPWnFtWVArbHdldDgyUy9Wa0k1QT09 == Agenda == 1. Introduction; minutes and actions from last meeting 2. Adoption of agenda 3. Institute Board, proposal and adoption of first co-chairs 4. Status of development of proposal * Organisational aspects: KL * Preliminary and pre-construction programme development: CW * Stakeholders’ plan development: JPar 5. Agenda for LhARA collaboration meeting; 15Dec21 6. Outreach and engagement plan for 2022 7. DONM AoB ----