= LhARA Institute Board meeting !#5 = 28th July 2022 13:00 BST **ZOOM:** https://cern.zoom.us/j/62109597655?pwd=N2dCdnBzN1BrYVZBNVh1TnVVK0Rmdz09 \\ Meeting ID: 621 0959 7655 Passcode: 402636 == Minutes == 1. Introduction: TG, YP Funding for LhARA within Ion Therapy Research Facility now clear. Foreseen start date 20th September. 2. Minutes and actions from last meeting: TG, YP Press statement prepared and circulated. Comments from Jason Parsons (Liverpool) and Jeff Bamber (Inst. of cancer research) incorporated. Suggest release this on 20th Sept. (ITRF kick-off meeting). 3. Adoption of agenda: All 4. Report from the co-spokespeople: AG, KL \\ See [raw-attachment:01-2022-07-28-LONG.pptx Slides]. 5. LhARA MoU: TG, YP MoU will be circulated for comment. Deadline one week before next IB meeting. Ask that LhARA leads at each of Universities/Institutes sign the MoU by the following IB meeting. This should form the basis of a legally binding Collaboration Agreement signed by LhARA Institutes, in expectation that LhARA will receive significant funding. Timescale for this is around 18 months. 6. DoNM 4th October 2022, 11:00 (updated). 7. AoB The request was made that all institutes complete their JeS forms! ----